Page 68 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 68

ESF Beacon Hill School                                                                                                                                                             ESF Beacon Hill School

        School Finances

                                                               Actual                         Budget
                                                              2016/17                        2016/17

                    Non-cash Funding

                       Staff funding                       39,764,278                     39,764,278
              Adjustments on staff funding                    76,134                             -

                  Total non-cash funding                   39,840,412                     39,764,278

                       Cash Funding
                 Capitation & ICT Funding                   2,678,396                      2,606,487

                          Grants                               5,256                          5,255

                 Rental and other income                      700,189                        661,000
                     School Activities                        114,530                        106,000

                         Donation                            322,050                        300,000

                    Total Cash Funding                      3,850,421                      3,678,742

                      Total Funding                        43,660,833                     43,443,020


                      Staff expenses                       38,472,569                     39,764,278
               Other expenses - Operating                   2,693,470                      3,528,000

                 Other expenses - Capital                    1,315,225                      300,000

                    Total Expenditure                      42,481,264                     43,592,278

                    Surplus / (Deficit)                      1,179,569                      (149,258)

             Surplus / (Deficit) as per above                1,179,569                      (149,258)
          The use of unspent staff funding b/f               1,186,841                           -

                   from previous years

          Surplus / (Deficit) after the transfer            2,366,410                       (149,258)
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