Page 2 - New Catalogue 2012.indd
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Hitaltech                                RoHS

    A group of connecting technologies      2002/95/EC

                                      2012 Catalogue

           Hitaltech is an ISO 9001:2008 Registered company specialising in Connec� ng

                                     Technologies and Plas� c Enclosures.

                    ‘Our customers defi ne the quality we are expected to deliver’.
             Hitaltech aim to provide this quality through; on � me delivery of the right

                                            product at the right price.

                     Hitaltech off er a comprehensive range of products including;
                                         Rising Clamp Screw Terminal Blocks

                               Rising Clamp Screw Plugs & PCB Mounted Headers
                                          Screwless Terminal Blocks & Plugs
                         Enclosures (DIN Rail, Hand Held, IP65 Sealed and More)
                                             Flexible Interconnect systems

            Hitaltech’s range of products hold various Interna� onal Approvals such as;
                                              UL , VDE, IMQ, ESS, CE

        These products are suited to a wide range of applica� ons across many industries.
          For example both our interconnect and enclosure range are well suited to the
      Building Automa� on and HVAC markets where as our Flexible Interconnect Systems
            off er the Automo� ve market a product which meets the necessary industry


       Hitaltech’s range of interconnect products has been signifi cantly increased over the has been signifi cantly increased over the
        past 12 months due to the introduc� on of Hitaltech’s              oduc� on of Hitaltech’s              range. As a result we

        can now off er our customers a complete range of UL an now off er our customers a complete range of UL an now off er our customers a complete range of  r
                                                                             rated ated interconnect products interconnect products
        c c
         including terminal blocks from 12A up to 125A, as well as an increasing range of
                                     screwless terminal blocks and plugs.

     Through our con� nous market research Hitaltech’s             range is being              range is being increased on
         a regular basis allowing Hitaltech to off er our customers a complete pour customers a complete package of
                            interconnect products to suit varying applica� ons.

            We have offi  ces around the world with a dedicated team of qualifi ed sales
                               engineers ready to discuss your requirements.

                 Hitaltech SA/NV      Hitaltech UK Ltd  Hitaltech Gmbh       Hitaltech Corp. Japan  Hitaltech Headquarters
                 (Sales Benelux, France & Italy)  (Sales UK & Eire)  (Sales Germany)  (Sales Asia)  (Sales for the Rest of the World)
                 T: +32 2725 2075     T: +44 (0) 1253 899910  T: +49 (0) 351 65 57 39 10  T: +81 (0)467 23 81 00        T: +32 2725 2075
                 E: E: E: E: E:
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