P. 25

8. Lovely comfort                       OPTIMAL CLIMATE
                           The   Optipluche
                           bedding  feels  like   REGULATION IN
                           down  and  creates
                           a  wonderfully  soft   WINTER AND IN
                           feel.  You'll  sleep   SUMMER
                           like a baby due to                                                                         OPTI-BED
                           the combination of
               a mattress pad, pillow and bedding.
      9. Excellent value for money
                         What is it worth to you
                         to  sleep  well  and  to
                         wake up truly rested?
                         Optivezel   premium
                         bedding   is   an
                         investment  in  your
                         halth, your well-being
      and quality of life. Turn your bedroom into your
                       personal wellness resort.

      10. 3 years warranty              -
                         You  will  receive  3
                         years  warranty  on
                         functionality,  confection
                         and  shape  stability
                         under normal use and
                            proper maintenance.

       We  wish  you  a  good  night's  sleep,  healthy
       sleep and wake up rested . Optivezel premium
                      bedding - wake up rested.                                                                    24
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