P. 24

Io  parlo  ai  muri,  is  the  title  of  the  text      crete  contradiction” ,  presuming  the
       born from the cycle of conferences that                  “concentration  of  all  that  there  is  in
       Lacan  held  between  1971  and  1972  for               the world, in nature, in the cosmos”.
       the residents of the Saint-Anne Hospital.
       The same hospital in which, many years                   The  contradiction,  the  accumulation
       earlier, a young Lacan had begun to work.                are  also  at  the  base  of  Stefano  Non’s
                                                                work,  who  proposes  here  an  energy
       The  occasion  could  be  that  of  self-cele-           generator,  a  power  plug  that  doesn’t
       bration, of a career balance. Instead, La-               take  but  gives,  as  the  video  suggests
       can  renounces  reinforcing  theorizations               that we visualize approaching the cell
       and moves to combat the great enemy of                   phone to the power plugs “Watch out
       the time: the fascination for not knowing.               where power really comes”. The power
       So,  he  unfolds  the  substantial  distance             of  the  Black  Church  is  absolute,  like
       between knowledge and truth. He reite-                   the cult of Dea Atalanta told in the po-
       rates once again that the unconscious is                 dcast that accompanies the exhibition
       for us a knowledge-unknown, skilled with                 and that reads: “Take or leave, we have
       its own language, distant from truth. The                taken and sometimes we take a hit”. A
       symptom is fundamental: it is by putting                 story which describes a day of violen-
       the symptom into words that we establi-                  ce, outside the stereotypes associated
       sh the borders of the truth value of our                 with the place-stadium. Heterotropy is
       discourse,  that  is,  how  much  of  our  di-           revealed in the street fight, where the
       scourse is true and how much false. The                  rhetoric  of  utopian  rebellion  is  wiped
       symptom is not the truth, but it is an in-               out, “rebellion is the only dignity of the
       strument.                                                slave” sings Lord Bean in Quale ordine.

       A lot has been written in recent months
       about how the pandemic has highlighted
       the symptoms of a system that had alre-
       ady been showing its flaws, exacerbating
       social  inequalities  and  highlighting  the
       cost  of  progressive  and  wild  privatiza-
       tion. The great European urban centers,
       abandoned  by  tourists,  have  shown  the
       limits  of  a  cultural  policy  reduced  to  a
       “showcase” for quick and fast looks, dan-
       gerously associating production and cul-                 1 Henry Lefebvre, La rivoluzione urbana,
       tural use. A process already reported by                 Pag. 45, Rome, Armando, 1973
       Lefebvre that defining the possibilities of
       the urban came to define the three cate-                 2 Henry Lefebvre, Work Cited, Pag. 47
       gories of: isotopia, an urban environment
       and its constituting itself as the same re-
       cognizable  place;  heterotopia,  the  con-
       trast marked between more inhabitants
       of the places, through a continuity space
       given by sutures; utopia, a space no lon-
       ger  linked  to  any  “imagined  abstract” ,
       but real, linked to a verticality that pu-
       shes towards the divine, the cosmos, but
       also - by opposite - to the abyss, the un-
       derground. A physical space that is “con-

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