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The  impulse  beyond  the  stereotype,                   of  the  microscopic  (the  spores  in
       the  discussion  of  reality  itself,  pas-              the woods) coexist in a story in whi-
       ses through matter and its opposite;                     ch  we  are  perpetually  suspended,
       through  the  urban  -  understood  as                   where the judgment on modernity,
       the regulation of social groups - and                    society and its forms is continually
       its opposite. A vision where “good and                   questioned  and  problematized:  the
       bad”, which are “human categories”                4      space that surrounds us extends and
       no  longer  exist,  or  at  least  are  open             takes on new meanings only it dia-
       to discussion of their simplified divi-                  logues with the Cosmos. So, return
       sions. The same discussion that Vasiliy                  to Lefebvre and his idea of “utopia”,
       Sumin also carries out in the installa-                  present  in  the  incredibly  high  and
       tion Station YE5, a scientist highlights                 distant, but also in the deep, in the
       the  elements  of  continuity  between                   underground.
       the extreme Russian suburbs, the de-
       velopment  of  terrestrial  life  forms
       and  the  continuous  evolution  of  the
       cosmos. The fondamental elements of
       the landscape of Nizhny Arkhyz - the
       village in the Caucasus where Sumin’s
       video was filmed - are two giant tele-
       scopes, the largest ever made in mo-
       dern times and holders of the record
       until 1993. Around these two symbo-
       lic  elements  a  community  of  scienti-
       sts  was  built,  in  close  contact  with
       the  dissidents  who  were  looking  for
       a space for their independence in the
       remote area  .
       The village of Nizhny Arkhyz becomes
       the pretext to rethink the social cate-
       gories  of  modern  and  contemporary
       Russia,  its  communication  and  social
       devices.  The  words  of  the  scientist  -
       protagonist  of  the  video  -  are  mar-
       ried  with  the  hypothetical  dialogue
       between the two telescopes and the
       stars, the infinite time of the Cosmos
       speaks to us of the cyclic time of na-
       ture, the rhythms and the rules of so-
       cial life are subjected to the scrutiny                  4  Statement made by the main
       of  their  opposite:  silence,  solitude,                character of YE5 by Vasiliy Sumin
       observation. All voted to the altar of                   5  «Many  hiding  ‘dissidenting’  people
       an energy that is no more the one un-                    used to come here in the Soviet Union.
       derstood and known on the earth, but                     This really tell us that the place is good»
       an obscure energy that, undisturbed,                     says the scientist of Station YE5.
       continues  to  act  in  the  expansion  of
       the cosmos. The vision of the big (the
       two  telescopes),  of  the  indefinitely
       big (the cosmos heard by the telesco-
       pes), of the small (the individual) and

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