P. 82

Certain Tone, Carnal Ritual, Simple People, Frost


       So  we  come  out  on  the  road  that
       leads to the entrance of the other
       sector, at which point I give a cer-                      youngsters had to do the obstacle
       tain tone of strategic solemnity to                       course in reverse. Cops with a desi-
       the  matter:  “come  on  ‘scéc’  a  line                  re for revenge came back with tear
       and let’s go”, and off we go, I didn’t                    gas and gas masks. Those gases are
       expect  it,  they  really  took  me  se-                  really a pain in the ass, you could be
       riously.  At  the  other  end  a  lot  of                 as big and bad as you wanted but
       opposing supporters are swarming                          when those fumes arrived on eyes,
       to come towards us, bingo! it was                         entering the larynx and lungs, the-
       worth  it,  all  joyful  we  strengthen                   re  was  only  Santa  Maria  Gas  Mask
       the pace to join them in a healthy                        that  could  save  you.  Luckily,  char-
       orgy of forgotten bodies. And inste-                      ming Gradisca is just a few leagues
       ad nothing, after evaluating I don’t                      from the sea, at the end of a shaggy

       know  what,  considering  that  they                      and  nervous  valley.  Result:  breeze
       were  twice  our  size,  we  see  them                    in the direction of the blue nihilists
       disappear into their sector.                              and bye-bye gas effect. Aeolus one
       Disappointment,  unhappiness,  shit                       of us. Away with new charges and
       life.                                                     counter-charges  on  the  athletic
       DIGRESSION  ONE:  we  didn’t  real-                       track,  to  see  it  from  the  outside
       ly  give  a  shit  about  fighting  each                  it  looked  like  a  Monty  Python  set.
       other to get the upper hand or fe-                        However, the matter was becoming
       eling tough if those other guys got                       more  complex,  new  departments
       away. No supremacist ideology. We                         had  arrived  to  help.  Their  golden
       didn’t give a shit about rankings on                      age of mass arrests had not yet be-
       who  hit  the  most  or  who  let  one                    gun, but in no way did we want any
       or the other get away. There was a                        of us to be taken away and it was
       carnal ritual that included fighting.                     clear that the doggedness was unju-
       We liked it, that’s all. Simple people                    stified  by  reasons  of  public  order:
       doing simple things.                                      we were trying to get home, they
       END DIGRESSION.                                           just wanted to take revenge for the
       The game was obviously suspended                          embarrassment.

       and  never  played  again,  while  we                     From  determination  to  fury  the
                                                                 step is short: a section opens back
                                                                 and leaves four of them behind, who
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