Page 3 - Moore Blatch Business Magazine
P. 3


                                                           P10 FEA TURE: SOCIAL MEDIA                    P07

                                                             K A THERINE MAXWELL
                                                             Four areas businesses need to be aware
                                                             of to reduce the risk of social media

                                                              FEA TURE: GDPR                             P15

                                                              DOROTHY A GNEW
                   WELCOME                                    JOHN W ARCUS
                                                              What to consider with the
                                                              largest overhaul of data
                                                              protection laws fast approaching

           Welcome to edition two of the                      FEA TURE: IN THE CITY                      P19
           Moore Blatch Business Magazine.
                                                              ARCHIE SHERBROOKE
                                                              The City of London’s property market
           Increasingly when we talk to businesses, they      won’t just fall down. Or will it?
           are keen to understand the broader issues,
           opportunities and challenges that could affect
           their businesses in the future. It is with this in
           mind that we have produced this magazine.
                                                                GUEST ARTICLE: BIG D A T A               P23
           Articles range from looking at the City’s property   HUGH CO X
           market, the risks of social media and introducing   How can businesses run successful big
           a new way to solve commercial disputes. We also    data projects?
           introduce our new managing partner as well as
           our new home in Southampton.

           We also have a guest article from Carswell Gould
           on the steps you need to take to be compliant      Barry Adamson | can you claim Business Property Relief?  P05
           with the new General Data Protection Regulation
           (GDPR) coming into force May 2018.                 Naomi Greenwood | holiday pay               P06
                                                              Peter Jeffery | car for sale, one lady owner, low mileage   P09
           We do hope you will enjoy the magazine which
           is packed full of what we think you will find      Roger Bailey | alternative finance          P11
           interesting and helpful articles.                  Jeremy Over | five minutes                  P13

                                                              Mark Osgood | resolve commercial disputes   P17
           ROGER BAILEY                                       Dorothy Agnew  | protect your brand         P22
           Partner and head of corporate
                                                              David Thompson | tougher health and safety sentences   P25


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