Page 177 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 177
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
I. From The Constitution of U.N.N. “The United Nuwaupian Nation.” –
Statute 9 “Law” – pg. 42
“pg. 42. Any officer can and will be removed by the people for
incompetency, indecency, dishonesty, biases, instability of health both
physical or mental.”
II. From The Constitution of U.N.N “The United Nuwaupian Nation” –
Statute 18 “Law” – Section 7 – pg. 78-in part
“pg. 78. (in part)...Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend
further than removal from office, disqualification to hold and enjoy any
office of honor, trust or profit under the United Nuwaupian Nation and
the disqualification as a member of the U.N.N. shall be in effect. Thus,
their passport shall be revoked.”
*Piracy: for a government or regular tribal member of the Yamassee Tribe of
Native Americans, the United Nuwaupian Nation:
Offense: {See Piracy – Section 999.4.8.100 (a) – 100 (d)}.
*Desecration of Our National Flag, Coat of Arms, Insignias, National Symbols,
& Sacred Seals:
First Offense:
(a)*for a tribal member of the Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans, the
United Nuwaupian Nation:
minimum 30 days white-balled from all events and activities up to
disfellowship/expulsion from the tribe depending on severity of violation; a
minimum fine of $360.00 and a minimum of 36 hrs in the “Bee Hive”.
(b)*for a tribal member of the Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans, the
United Nuwaupian Nation that holds a government office in our Tribal