Page 29 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 29

– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –

                    From Nuwaupian Ethics (9) – “The Center of You” – v. 1, 5, 6, 8, 10-11

                    “1. Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” do not hate in fact we avoid the haters and hateful,
                    5. Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” do not live by enmity, in fact we avoid the bitter
                    and hostile.  6. Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” do not have animosity, in fact we avoid
                    those of ill will for others.  8. Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” do not hold grudges, in

                    fact we avoid those who begrudge others by resentment for any reason holding
                    grievances.  10. We as Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” of Wu-Nuwaup “Animists”
                    live by the divine code of rules, love, respect, honesty, truth, candor, loyal and

                    devoted, ethical people; only respect those who respect.  11. Only respect those
                    who respect you.”

                21. GUIDELINES – Fighting

                    From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – “Tarkhakh 'Relaxation'” – v. 67

                    “67. People who are always angered is not healthy and its a sign that their 29
                    other voices is able to take control of them at random.  Avoid them.”

                    From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – “Emotions and the Apostates” – v.

                    “116. Remember, you must be in control of your taALafaat Taȧṫafaat
                    “emotions” and therefore responsible for whatever happens to you.”

                    From Nuwaupian Ethics (6) – “Being Aware ” – v. 4-5, 8

                    “4. I am aware of my surroundings. This is to be aware that wherever I am
                    personally. I am the qabaL Qabaṫ “Center” all SayaN-aat Shayan-aat
                    “Things”, makaN-aat Makan-aat “Places” and SaKaE-u Shakhaṡ-u
                    “Persons” are around me. I am the point from whom all is equally distant from

                    all points.   5. I am aware that I am in rabub Rabub “Control” of all things
                    around me in so far as how close or how far, when it is and how I haruk
                    Haruk “Move” from my point as the center. So I am aware of Deity, I am aware.
                    8. I am aware and being aware of my own makwan Makwan “Being”, I can
                    baNun Banun “Build” it or Karub Kharub “Destroy” it. I can sayun

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