Page 328 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 328
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
them to this day. 16. Nuwaupians, these are many sexually transmittable diseases
from human’s kind to humans and after satuafu zaMut-aat Satu Afu
Zamut-aat “6,000 years” of rapes and willful sexual exchange, the list of
venereal disease (VD), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually
transmitted infections (STI) can be long; here are the main ones:
Human Papillomavirus
Genital Warts
Many are detectable while others are not. 17. Nuwaupians some people both male
and female know they have one or more while some do not. 18. Nuwaupians
some people will tell you before exchange of body fluids or contact while some
will not be safe protect your yaKaE-aat Yakhaṡ-aat “Genes” your future
generations can be affected by your actions today. 19. Nuwaupian feminine
remember you are our race record keeper by your Mitochondrial DNA you have a
EaMen Ṡamen “Divine” mission given by those that grew us here in these
waters before we came on the saqaH Saqaḣ “Land” before our genes were
mixed diluted and tampered with you are deities not just humans; yet vaNas
tasu Vanas Tasu “Feminine” protect our chromosomes.”
From Nuwaupian Ethics (7) – “On Chastity” – v. 13-19
“13. Within the culture of the Western world, a aaSah Aashah “Female” is
allowed to think, I must use my KaLaL Khaṫaṫ “Body” and nafar Nafar
“Beauty” to attract a zazaz Zazaz “Man” who will take care of my needs
physically and financially. So she will go from one relationship to another until
she is asked, “will you marry me”, and being used over and over she does not
know the effect that has on her Aaqal Ȧaqal “Mind” and KaLaL Khaṫaṫ
“Body”. 14. Her mind is not LaHar Ṫaḣar “Pure” and her body, her virginity
not intact or her vagina is not tight. 15. Also passing from aayaS Aayash
“Male” to male who dumped his sperm into her body, does have an effect on her
DNA, her yaKaE-aat Yakhaṡ-aat “Genes”, her health, her body shape and