Page 375 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 375

– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –

                    and this can and will affect her genes and chemistry. Once a zazaztat
                    Zazaztat “Woman” has exchanged fluids with more than rabu zazaz-u

                    Rabu Zazaz-u “Four Men”, she is never the same; her yaKaE-aat Yakhaṡ-
                    aat “Genes” are invaded.  11. Nuwaupians make note that it’s overstood that
                    these teachings did not exist until Wu-Nuwaup. So it’s up to you to protect and
                    teach our future by them having our Mitochondrial DNA, the keepers of our next
                    24,000 year cycle.  15. Nuwaupians kissing is an act passed on to muccas-u
                    Muccas-u “Caucasoids” by canines and then to others kissing is the same as a
                    DNA test, you exchange DNA with open-mouth kissing and is why we call it a
                    genetic kiss; only kiss with your committed mate in the faMam Famam
                    “Mouth” ; never have oral jaNas Janas “Sex” without knowing the history of
                    the person. One bawaa Bawas “Kiss” or exchange of body fluids changes your
                    whole genetic past and can plan your future. Closed mouth kissing was done long

                    before the muccas-u Muccas-u “Caucasoids” and kulab-aat Kulab-aat
                    “Canines” open-mouthed, tongue-licking kissing. Canines show affection by
                    licking, that is their form of expression. It became Muccas-u “Caucasoids” own
                    while in the caves and hillsides as Cro-Magnum living with canines and still with
                    them to this day.  16. Nuwaupians, these are many sexually transmittable diseases
                    from human’s kind to humans and after satuafu zaMut-aat Satu Afu
                    Zamut-aat “6,000 years” of rapes and willful sexual exchange, the list of
                    venereal disease (VD), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually
                    transmitted infections (STI) can be long; here are the main ones:
                    Human Papillomavirus
                    H.I.V/ AIDS
                    Genital Warts
                    Many are detectable while others are not.  17. Nuwaupians some people both male

                    and female know they have one or more while some do not.  18. Nuwaupians
                    some people will tell you before exchange of body fluids or contact while some
                    will not be safe protect your yaKaE-aat Yakhaṡ-aat “Genes” your future
                    generations can be affected by your actions today.  19. Nuwaupian feminine
                    remember you are our race record keeper by your Mitochondrial DNA you have a

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