Page 50 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 50
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – Chap. 8 –“What Kind of God are
You Really Worshipping?” – v. 1,3, 9-10, 56
“1. The spell is broken, the spell is broken transform and return to your own,
regain your powers. 3. Redress in the dress of your ancestors call out to your own
for they are not dead or gone they live on and only await your call. Pray, chant,
meditate for your relatives live and are nearer than you have been made to
believe. 9. Stand up proud as a Nuwaupian and speak Wu-Nuwaup to all of your
own who is willing to listen to the truth. Speak Nuwaupic live this way of life
your own. 10. Follow Paa Taraq “The Way”. 56. Listen Nuwaupians. Love
yourself and kind. Reject those who reject you.”
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – “Conscious Being” – v. 53-54
“53. You must relearn to Safuf Shafuf “See” again. 54. You are Aboriginal
and nothing can change that, be proud of who you are dress it, eat it, speak it,
think it, help it, and by doing so help yourself and kind.”
10. JUSTICES – Rejecting Tribal Roots & Culture (Subject to change based on
the level of violation.)
First Offense: Instruction and guidance using paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The
Way” and/or haqaqtal haqaqaat Haqaqtal Haqaqaat “Actual Facts”, & 3
months white-balled.
Second Offense: Disfellowship/Expulsion from the Tribe.
11. Befoul: make dirty, pollute. (reference from – The Tormont Webster's Illustrated
Encyclopedic Dictionary)
12. Pollute: to make (land, water, air, etc.) dirty and not safe or suitable to use; to
contaminate (an environment) especially with man-made waste. (reference from – – online dictionary)
13. Environment: external conditions or surroundings, esp. those in which people