Page 102 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 102
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
Ignoring how they dress to please.
Ignoring homophobia.
11. Not educating your Karad-u Kharad-u “Children” on what is really real
in the tapal Tapal “World” and not just what one salal Salal “Race” allows
for their children according to their own HaXab Ḣazhab “Culture” and
Taqaq-aat Thaqaq-aat “Beliefs”. 12. When you let your Karad Kharad
“Child” see you move from sexual partner to sexual partner, mate to mate, you
are teaching them morals and the lack thereof; when your daughter sees her
siblings are by different mates, she thinks this is normal for herself. 13. Within
the culture of the Western world, a aaSah Aashah “Female” is allowed to
think, I must use my KaLaL Khaṫaṫ “Body” and nafar Nafar “Beauty” to
attract a zazaz Zazaz “Man” who will take care of my needs physically and
financially. So she will go from one relationship to another until she is asked,
“will you marry me”, and being used over and over she does not know the effect
that has on her Aaqal Ȧaqal “Mind” and KaLaL Khaṫaṫ “Body”. 14. Her
mind is not LaHar Ṫaḣar “Pure” and her body, her virginity not intact or her
vagina is not tight. 15. Also passing from aayaS Aayash “Male” to male who
dumped his sperm into her body, does have an effect on her DNA, her yaKaE-
aat Yakhaṡ-aat “Genes”, her health, her body shape and her body odour. This
affects the relationship with her now mate or haMaL Hamaṫ “Husband”, who
in time sees she was used or may run into one of her ex-sexual partners. He is
shamed and never feels she is “all mine”. This creates qaNaNy Qanany
“Jealousy” in-fighting, doubt, mistrust, wasuy Wasuy “Slander” and GaSaS
Ghashush “Gossip” which ends the relationship. 16. To think of being chaste as
a holy way of life and living, is not the case. It is an actual fact. It implicates
modesty, purity, temperance, decency and clean lines of body and mind. It
involves no less than the exercise of moderation in all that pertains to your person,
your dress, your speech and what you think is amusement, fun and free will and
with whom. 17. Chastity demands moment to moment awareness and vigilance
in the control of your carnal raGab-aat Raghab-aat “Desires”. Then and
knowing what the outside world and culture you live in and around, is projecting
at you to give their world access to your DNA and Baaaḣ “Soul” with their
corrupt excessive sexual freedoms and corrupt inclinations. Chastity calls for the
abandonment of a frivolous, loose life and conduct and misdirected AadaN-
aat Ȧadan-aat “Pleasures”. 18. Chastity is to tolerate no compromise with
Western theories of the free will and being grown at this or that age 18 or 21, the
standards in the West to become a karay Karay “Slut”; yet, in fact begins