Page 303 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 303
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
“Marriage” you did not know this about yourself and your mate does not wish to
compromise or agree with your newly uncovered perversions, you will go out to
seek them elsewhere and destroy your relationship and yasar Yasar “Family”.
This is real and happening everyday. That is the point of strip clubs, pornography
websites to seduce, allure, addict, attract, entice and trap you. It’s the works of the
sex force; the six ether forces to take over your Aaqal Ȧaqal “Mind”, KaLaL
Khaṫaṫ “Body” and take your very baaaH Baaaḣ “Soul”. Luster attracts lust;
Pleasure attracted by feeling good many mix up lust for love. This weakness is in
you by mixing your natat Natat “Seed” with the Adamites who live by no
rules or disciplines. They live by danger, drugs, alcohol and perversions and this
is their HaXab Ḣazhab “Culture” from way back as Vikings are still with them
today. Now tired of their own zaztat-u Zazaztat-u“Women”, the men
Patriarchism which is the root of their religion of monotheism or Abrahamism,
Mosesism, Jesusism and Muhammadism and their political systems from the
Roman tribune and Greeks both of whom promoted homosexuality and abuse of
the female. So now once again tired of their women and, they seek to take over
other races women and called it Democracy and or Republican parties are the
results. If a people with their own culture or way of life do not wish to accept the
aadam-u Aadam-u “Adamites” way, then they enter a war to convert them. So
they can invade their Ȧaqal-aat “Minds”, Khaṫaṫ-aat “Bodies” and Baaaḣ-aat
“Souls” take over then have access to all others, truth is truth. You’re a cult if you
don’t accept their religious beliefs.
From Nuwaupian Ethics (7) – “On Chastity” – v. 13-19
“13. Within the culture of the Western world, a aaSah Aashah “Female” is
allowed to think, I must use my KaLaL Khaṫaṫ “Body” and nafar Nafar
“Beauty” to attract a zazaz Zazaz “Man” who will take care of my needs
physically and financially. So she will go from one relationship to another until
she is asked, “will you marry me”, and being used over and over she does not
know the effect that has on her Aaqal Ȧaqal “Mind” and KaLaL Khaṫaṫ
“Body”. 14. Her mind is not LaHar Ṫaḣar “Pure” and her body, her virginity
not intact or her vagina is not tight. 15. Also passing from aayaS Aayash
“Male” to male who dumped his sperm into her body, does have an effect on her
DNA, her yaKaE-aat Yakhaṡ-aat “Genes”, her health, her body shape and
her body odour. This affects the relationship with her now mate or haMaL
Hamaṫ “Husband”, who in time sees she was used or may run into one of her ex-
sexual partners. He is shamed and never feels she is “all mine”. This creates