Page 97 - 善美韶关
P. 97

善美之城            先进装备制造业
             3 Advanced Equipment Manufacturing


            的基础零部件基地和配套基地。经过 40 多
      the City of KINDNESS and Beauty
            部件、金属铸锻件、建筑矿山工程机械、                                                                           The equipment manufacturing industry
            液压油缸、发配电成套设备、铝箔 6 大类。                                                                    is the largest industrial system in Shaoguan.   093
            全市拥有装备制造业规上企业百余家,以                                                                       Shaoguan is also the main base of basic parts
            及液压油缸和铝箔两个省级特色产业基地。                                                                      and supporting base for advanced equipment
            目前,韶关正全力打造珠江西岸先进装备                                                                       manufacturing in Guangdong Province. After
            制造产业配套区。                                                                                 more than 40 years of development, Shaoguan
                                                                                                     equipment manufacturing industry has great
                                                                                                     national and provincial influence, and its major

          振兴之城                                                                                       products include automotive parts, metal casting
                                                                                                     and forging, construction and mining engineering
                                                                                                     machinery, hydraulic cylinder, power generating
                                                                                                     and distribution equipment, and aluminum foil.
                                                                                                     The city has more than 100 enterprises in the
                                                                                                     equipment manufacturing industry, as well as
                                                                                                     two provincial-level industrial bases of hydraulic
      Chapter 3  The City of  Revitalization
                                                                                                     cylinder and aluminum foil. Shaoguan is making
                                                                                                     every effort to build an advanced equipment
     092                                                                                             manufacturing industry supporting area on the
                                                                                                     west bank of the Pearl River.
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