Page 4 - Lloyd's Syndicate Members Proposal
P. 4

We understand while much of the business at Lloyd’s is s  ll conducted face-to-face, your market structure en-

              courages speed, innova  on and be  er value. We believe, like you, that immediate access to decision-makers,

              enables fast, good-value solu  ons. We also understand that innova  on among Lloyd’s Syndicate Members is not
              just about new insurance products and services but it also encompasses how you do business, add value and

              improve your effi  ciencies.

              We share your culture of reinforcing your talent diff eren  ator. Because of the complicated risks drawn to Lloyd’s

              Syndicate Members, the best talent is also a  racted to handle those risks. Because of the complex li  ga  on and

              code issues drawn to Bracken Engineering, we con  nue to a  ract top engineers.  Like Lloyd’s, we also believe in

              drawing talent from varied backgrounds to ensure we get the best.

              Your culture of a single standard, where everyone shares the same language, is a culture that we share.  We

              employ a two-fold approach to our consul  ng solu  ons that emphasizes not only expert opinions but also clear

              communica  ons. We demonstrate this combina  on to provide accurate and reliable solu  ons in the following
              work areas:

              •  Structural Integrity Inves  ga  ons          •  Infrared Tes  ng

              •  Loss Inves  ga  ons and Analysis             •  Slips, Trips and Falls (STF)

              •  Risk Engineering Solu  ons                   •  Construc  on Defect Inves  ga  on & Mi  ga  on

              •  Water Damage Mi  ga  on                      •  Workplace Safety
              •  Liability Assessments

              INFINITY |   PROPOSAL NO.: 0001-2345 | DATE: MARCH 20, 2017| PREPARED FOR: CLIENT NAME
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