Page 4 - Reverse_Mortgage_Loan_Retirement_Planner
P. 4

Develop ing your

                                             reverse mortgag e retirement plan

                      While planning to use reverse mortgage proceeds, con  sider the following important factors that contribute to

                                                       your financial stabili  ty during retirement.

            How much money               What income sources
              will you need in           and retirement assets
        retirement to cover your          do you have available
                expenses?                that can help fund your


                 One question friends ask is would I do it myself and  the    answer is not only would I, I have. And I’m very very
                 pleased with the result. It has really made my life in retir    ement a great pleasure. It enabled me to not worry.”

                 Barry Sacks, Real Estate Tax Attorney and Theoretical Physics Ph.D., MIT

        Creating your goals              Gathering and analyzing
        Evaluate your retirement
        goals. When do you want to       Examine your current
        retire? What do you want to      retirement savings and
        do when you retire?              consider additional benefits
                                         you expect to receive during
                                         retirement like pensions,
        Understanding traditional        Social Security benefits,
        IRA and Roth 401(k)              etc. You can then analyze
        investments                      and review your current
                                         asset allocations, expected
        These retirement accounts        retirement income and
        can be subject to taxation       estimate how long your
        and may increase your tax        savings will last.
        liability once you start taking
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