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items adopted by the Commission was held not arbitrary. (Kiran Gupta v State of U.P., AIR 2000 SC 3299 : (2000)7 SCC 719).
Where requisition was sent to the Bihar Public Service Commission for selection of a lady principal for Women’s College, selection of male candidate was invalid. (Dr. Smedha Tripathi v State of Bihar, 2000-I-LLJ- 26.
Where the candidates were not eligible on the cutoff date, their appointment on account of interim orders of Court were discontinued. (State of Rajasthan v Hitendra Kumar Bhatt, AIR 1998 SC 91 : (1997)6 SCC 574).
Destruction of answers sheets by the Selection Commission within a few days of the declaration of result was arbitrary. Written test and interview of all non-selectee candidates ordered. (Poonam Rani v State of Haryana, AIR 2012 SC 1811 : (2012)6 SCC 596).
Post of Army Commander is a selection post. As such appointment on the post cannot be made on the basis of seniority alone. (Union of India v Lt. General Rajendra Singh Kadyan, AIR 2000 SC 2513 : (2000)6 SCC 698).
Recruitment test - In the absence of provision for revaluation, the Court cannot order for re-valuation of answer sheets. (H.P. Public Service Commission v Mukesh Thakur, AIR 2010 SC 2620 : (2010)6 SCC 759).
Revaluation of answer-sheets when can be ordered. (Ran Vijay Singh and Others v State of U.P. and Others, AIR 2018 SC 52).
A candidate selected and placed in merit list cannot be denied appointment merely because his name has not been sponsored by Employment Exchange. (Union of India v Pritilata Nanda, AIR 2010 SC 2821 : 2010 AIR SCW 4643 : (2010)11 SCC 674).
Use of incorrect key answers affected result of recruitment examination - Re-valuation of answer sheets and fresh select lists ordered. (Rajesh Kumar v State of Bihar, AIR 2013 SC 2652 : (2013)4 SCC 690 : 2013 AIR SCW 4309).
Irregularities found in competitive examination - Re-evaluation of incorrect questions, see Vikas Pratap Singh v State of Chhattisgarh, AIR 2013 SC 3414 : (2013)14 SCC 494 : 2013(8) Scale 713.
Fixing of cut off marks in written test by PSC for qualifying/calling in viva test when conducting recruitment test was held not arbitrary/illegal. (Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission v Tage Habung, AIR 2013 SC 1601 : (2013)7 SCC 737).
The interview is the best mode of assessing the suitability of a candidate for a particular position. While the written examination will testify the candidates academic knowledge, the oral test alone can bring out or disclose his overall intellectual and personal qualities. (K.H. Siraj v High Court of Kerala, AIR 2006 SC 2339 : (2003)6 SCC 395).
Interview - Splitting of marks for certificates and marks for personal interview by interview board - Not arbitrary. (Rajya Sabha Secretariat v Subhash Baloda, AIR 2013 SC 2193 : (2013)5 SCC 169).