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Sunder v State of Kerala, (2006)200 CTR Ker. 361 : 2006 280 ITR 225 Ker : 2005(2) KLT 587.
Legislative privileges and Freedom of Press — Under Article 143 of the Constitution of India, In the matter of Special Reference No. 1 of 1964, AIR 1965 SC 745 : 1965(1) SCR 413.
Gunupati Keshavram Reddy v Nafisul Hasan, AIR 1954 SC 636 : 1954 Cri. L.J. 1704 (SC).
M.S.M. Sharma v Sri Krishna Sinha and Others, AIR 1959 SC 395. Telecast of Films — Bobby Art International v Om Pal Singh Hoon and
Others, AIR 1996 SC 1846 : (1996)4 SCC 1.
Life Insurance Corporation of India v Prof. Manubhai D. Shah, AIR 1993 SC
171 : (1992)3 SCC 637.
Ramesh v Union of India and Others, AIR 1988 SC 775 : (1988)1 SCC 668.
Strike - Demonstration — Radhey Shyam Sharma v Post Master General, Central Circle, Nagpur and Others, AIR 1965 SC 311 : (1964)7 SCR 403.
No body can claim right to hold demonstration at particular area only. (Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan v Union of India, AIR 2008 SC 3476).
Kameshwar Prasad and Others v State of Bihar and Another, AIR 1962 SC 1166 : 1962-I-LLJ-294 (SC).
Censorship of Films — K.A. Abbas v Union of India and Another, AIR 1971 SC 481 : (1970)2 SCC 780.
Right to travel abroad an essential part of the freedom guaranteed by Articles 19(1)(a) and 19(1)(g) of the Constitution — Smt. Maneka Gandhi v Union of India and Another, AIR 1978 SC 597 : (1978)1 SCC 248.
Advertisements — Hamdard Dawakhana and Another v Kalipada Deb and Others, AIR 1960 SC 554 : 1960 Cri. L.J. 735 (SC).
Sakal Papers (Private) Limited and Others v Union of India, AIR 1962 SC 305 : (1962)3 SCR 842.
Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Private Limited and Others v Union of India and Others, AIR 1986 SC 515 : (1985)1 SCC 641 : (1986)159 ITR 856 (SC).
Freedom of Assembly — Babulal Parate v State of Maharashtra and Others, AIR 1961 SC 884 : 1961(2) Cri. L.J. 16 (SC).
Shaikh Piru Bux (dead) and Others v Kalandi Pati Road and Others, AIR 1970 SC 1885.
Smt. Damyanti Naranga v Union of India and Others, AIR 1971 SC 966 : (1971)1 SCC 678.
Freedom of Association — All India Bank Employees’ Association v The National Industrial Tribunal (Bank Disputes), Bombay and Others, AIR 1962 SC 171 : 1962(3) SCR 269.
Lalit Narayan Mishra Institute of Economic Development and Social Change, Patna v State of Bihar and Others, AIR 1988 SC 1136 : (1988)2 SCC 433.

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