P. 52
This semester Writing II was a very interesting subject. This semester I
have learned new types of essays such as descriptive, cause-effect,
argumentative, etc.
I think that everything was too important but I consider that this semester we
focused on grammar and academic writing. Academic writing needs an organized
structure. Also, it should be well developed. Because of that, I have learned steps
to develop a good paragraph, how to use conjunctions and transitions, how to cite
authors to support my ideas
I can say that during this semester I have improved my writing skill. When I
write, I know how to support an idea. I how to site and paraphrase an author in a
correct way. Currently, I am careful with the grammar, sometimes it is difficult. But,
I know that I have progressed a lot.
In conclusion, Writing II was an interesting subject. I have learned useful
things. All things that I have learned were important and give me the opportunity of
improve my English skills.