Page 6 - Equity Investing Through Business Cycles
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Investment Team Value Add Over the Years:


             2022 was the most challenging year for investors in more than
             a decade. Multiple headwinds impacted the economy and the             All    financial    success
             markets.  40-year  high  inflation,  historically  high  federal      comes  from  acting  on  a
             reserve  rate  hikes,  weakening  sentiment,  the  Russia/Ukraine     plan.  A  lot  of  financial
             war,  and  China's  continued  lockdowns  all  led  to  the  longest  failures     come      from
             bear market for equities since 2008. Cryptocurrencies, growth         reacting to the market.
             stocks,  and  NFTs  shed  90+  percent  as  individual  investors
             learned investing in this environment is not always as simple         -Nick Murray
             as prior years have made it seem.
             At Pacific Capital, we:
                 Aggressively negotiated margin rates with our custodian, Charles Schwab, and
                 successfully lowered rates across all client accounts, resulting in lower margin costs
                 Generated alpha through portfolio changes including an allocation to consumer staples,
                 shortening bond duration, and  taking advantage of historically higher yields
                 Participated in Schwab Impact, an event that connected us with greater investment
                 ideas and tools to potentially benefit clients
                 Attended a variety of meetings on our clients' behalf regarding current private
                 investments and potential private investment opportunities
                 Tax loss harvested, where possible, to decrease tax burden
                 Avoided investing in cryptocurrency and growth stocks that have seen losses of 70-
                 100% YTD

             2021 was the sixth-best year for US equities since 1990. It was a year of uncertainty and
             anticipation, of hopes for a return to a degree of normalcy following the onset of the COVID-
             19  pandemic  in  2020.  And  it  was  a  year  that  showed,  again,  the  difficulty  of  making
             investment decisions based on predictions of where markets will go.

             At Pacific Capital, we:
                 Increased our allocation to TIPS, which are inflation protected securities, in anticipation
                 of the continually increasing inflation rate
                 Decreased our allocation to emerging markets
                 Made tactical trades in anticipation of increased volatility in markets
                 Completed courses on digital assets to better understand the emerging cryptocurrency
                 Formalized our Investment committee process


             The  year  2020  proved  to  be  one  of  the  most  tumultuous  in  modern  history.  It  was
             characterized by sharp swings in both equities and fixed income. The S&P 500 surged almost
             65% since its March low and finished the year achieving double digit positive returns.

             At Pacific Capital, we:
                 Established hedge positions for tail risk events surrounding COVID
                 Maintained  our  long-term  view,  and  stayed  invested  in  equities  during  a  historical
                 drawdown and the subsequent recovery while others panic sold
                     "Timing the market is a fool's game."

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