Page 12 - ICD Newsletter November 2021 Final Draft_Neat
P. 12

•  Section  requests  for  dues  relief  –  due  to  the   President: Richard M. Smith, USA Section
             impact  of  the  pandemic,  some  Sections  have   President-Elect: Ho-Youl Chang, Korea Section
             requested waivers or delays in paying dues to    Vice President: Argirios Pissiotis, Europe Section
             the College Office.                              Treasurer: Keith Suchy, USA Section
                                                              Editor: S. Dov Sydney, Europe Section
        At the conclusion of the Council meeting, the 2021-   Past President: Akira Senda, Japan Section
        2022  International  Officers  of  the  College  were
        installed:                                            It is planned to hold the next International Council
                                                              meeting in person in Houston, Texas in October 2022.


             As everyone is aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted volunteer programs around
             the world over the past two years.  The incredible challenges faced by the program leaders are
             described in the program updates in this newsletter.  For most programs, some level of dental care
             has continued to be delivered over the past two years due to the infrastructure and local personnel
             established in previous years.  Please read the program updates in this newsletter and be inspired!

             Due to the pandemic’s impact on volunteer programs,  the Section VIII Board delayed consideration
             of 2020 and 2021 grant applications to allow program leaders to better assess the impact of the
             pandemic on their programs.  Consequently, some 2020 grant applications were rolled over to
             2021 along with some of the 2020 grant budget.  At the September 2021 Board meeting, the Board
             approved a record number of grants and a record level of funding.  The grants approved by the
             Board are listed in the table below.  In addition, Section VIII supports the ADRF and NZDRF annually.
             Some grant applications continue to be on hold due to Covid and will be considered by the Board
             in early 2022.

                    Region                          Program                      Contact/Program Leader
              Adelaide             Community Dental Outreach Program           Margie Steffens
              Cambodia             Healthy Kids Cambodia                       Bethy Turton
              Cambodia             M'Lop Tapang                                Petrina Bowden

              Kimberley            Kimberley Dental Team                       John Owen AM
              Nepal                Project Yeti                                George Manos
              Nepal                Village Health Improvement Program          Sandra Meihubers
              PNG                  webinar development                         Len Crocombe/
                                                                               Mahmood Siddiqi
              Timor Leste          Dental education of Ana Paula Salgado       Blanche Tsetong
              Timor Leste          Maluk Timor CPD                             Ross Dunn
              Tonga                Clinics on 3 school campuses & repair shop  David Goldsmith
              Vanuatu              Gudfala Tut Skul Program (school program)   Barry Stewart/
                                                                               David Goldsmith
              Vietnam              Long Tan Dental Program                     Greg Miller

             The level of funding allocated by the Board for volunteer programs led by Section VIII Fellows is
             only made possible by the generosity of our Fellows through the donations made by Fellows with
             their annual Fellowship renewal payments. Thank you.

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