Page 8 - Le Journal de Megeve #33
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In 1932, whilst racing for the German Nordic Combined ski team, Willy Bogner launched his winter sportswear shop in Munich. At that time skiing was not very popular and the clothing far from being adapted to the practice of the sport, whether in terms of materials or cuts. Forerunner, assisted by his wife Maria (a trained stylist whom he met in his shop), Willy designed his first sportswear collections just before the war. After the dark years, during which Maria continued to produce clothes to dress the deportees while Willy was imprisoned for rebellion against the regime, it was in 1948 during a fashion show in the United States that the brand from Munich became renowned internationally. Worn by Maria herself, the brand’s elegant and comfortable stretch pants were to revolutionize the world of skiing. Stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield and Ingrid Bergmann contributed to the "Bogner" legend, a name which has become a generic in the United States to designate what is known today in France as a “fuseau”. As the years passed by, the Bogner brand proposed increasingly technical, comfortable and elegant collections. For almost 90 years elegance and luxury have been at the heart of their designs. After taking over from his parents, Willy "Jr", passionate about cinema, went on to film and dress the actors of the James Bond films, especially Roger Moore! Bogner's personalised "B" zipper is the ultimate distinctive feature. In 1986 the film "Fire and Ice", written by Mr Bogner, with Roger Moore as lead actor, hit the big screen and seduced more than 6 million Germans. The film, later exported internationally, featured skiers and stunts never seen before! In 1989, on the strength of this success, the Fire + Ice clothing line was born to cater to demanding skiers in search of adventure and stylish looks. Today, in 2020 the adventure continues!
C’est en 1932 que Willy Bogner, alors compétiteur en combiné nordique pour l’équipe d’Allemagne, lance sa boutique de matériel de sport d’hiver à Munich. A cette époque, les vêtements de ski, que ce soit au niveau des matières ou des coupes, ne sont pas très adaptés. Assisté par sa femme Maria (styliste de for- mation),Willy va développer ses premières collections de vêtements juste avant-guerre. Après des années sombres de guerre, la marque munichoise va exploser à l’international dès 1948 lors d’un défilé aux Etats- Unis. En effet, le pantalon stretch élégant et confor table va révolutionner le monde du ski grâce à l’association de cette coupe légendaire et de l’utilisation d’un tissu élastique. Dès lors, des stars telles que Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield et Ingrid Bergmann vont porter leur "Bogner", nom devenu générique aux Etats-Unis pour désigner ce que l’on appelle en France un "fuseau". Succédant à ses parents à la tête de l’entreprise,Willy "Jr", passionné de cinéma, va filmer et habiller les ac- teurs des films James Bond. Le zipper personnalisé du « B » de Bogner devient le signe distinctif ultime ! Les années se succèdent et la marque Bogner propose des collections toujours plus techniques, conforta- bles et élégantes. Et depuis bientôt 90 ans, l’élégance et le luxe sont toujours au cœur du design !
Events Family
55, rue d’Arly – Megève +33 4 50 34 77 18
Photos : Bogner / DR