Page 127 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 127

        Section 1.   Future Tournament Dates
                   April 20-24, 2021 at Mary Miller Gymnasium; Danville, IL
                   March 15-19, 2022 at Mary Miller Gymnasium; Danville, IL
                   March 21-25, 2023 at Mary Miller Gymnasium; Danville, IL
        Section 2.   Tournament Host Pre-Tournament Responsibilities
                   A.   The Tournament Host will notify the qualifying teams of the time schedules and other pertinent tournament information.
                   B.   The Tournament Host shall be responsible for the promotion, advertising and ticket sales of the contest. They shall secure the
                       playing site and make all the arrangements for the handling of spectators.
        Section 3.   Qualification of Teams for Tournament Play
                   A.   The qualifying teams shall come from the following 16 districts:

                                          2020-2021 NJCAA DI MEN’S BASKETBALL DISTRICTS


            Central        24        Great Lakes A    12A       Great Lakes B    12B       Great Lakes C     12C

            East A      3, 15, 19, 21   East B     3, 15, 19, 21   Mid-Atlantic   20         Midwest A       4A
           Midwest B       4B           North         9, 13     North Central     11          Plains          6

         South Atlantic A   8, 10   South Atlantic B   8, 10     Southwest       2, 16         West           1

                       1.   All district qualifying games must be completed by Sunday, April 11, 2021.
                       2.   Game Film Exchange:
                            i.  Upon qualification for the National Tournament, each team will be required to upload a complete game film in one file
                               for their last game played – including postseason - to the NJCAA Official Film Exchange Provider film exchange per
                               instructions provided by the NJCAA National Office. Teams must upload their game film no later than 48 hours following
                               the release of the fully seeded bracket. Game films must be from a half-court view and must be of good quality where
                               player numbers are visible. Penalties for non-compliance will include, but are not limited to: the offending institution will
                               not have access to the uploaded games on the NJCAA Official Film Exchange Provider, a Letter of Reprimand to
                               offending college president and a $500 fine.
                       3.  2020-21 Tournament Seeding:
                            i.  The Division II Men's Basketball Committee will seed all sixteen teams (1-16). The committee will take
                               into consideration:
                               a.  Power Rankings/Strength of Schedule Formula
                               b.  Tournament History (Last 3, Last 5, Last 10, All-Time)
                               c.  By District, By Qualifying Team
                               d.  Weekly NJCAA Polls
                               e.  Personal Observation
                            ii.  Coaches ranking of all 16 teams. Coaches or a school representative must have their ranking of the top 16 teams turned
                               into the NJCAA Division II Men’s Basketball Chairman by Monday, Monday, April 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM CT.
                       4.  The NJCAA Division II Basketball Committee, in coordination with the NJCAA Director of Championships, reserves the right
                           to adjust the district qualification procedures using current declaration numbers. The adjustments must be published no later
                           than November 15, annually. Specific group and district playoff procedures are the responsibility of the respective Regional
                           Directors and must be published by December 15, annually.
                       5.  The teams to compete in the NJCAA Basketball Tournament must be district winners. If a district winner declines to participate,
                           the Regional Director shall certify the district runner-up. When a district winner and district runner-up declines to enter the
                           NJCAA Basketball Tournament, the order of substitutions as listed in the NJCAA Handbook shall be used to certify teams for
                           the NJCAA Basketball Tournament. When a team accepts or declines the opportunity to compete in the NJCAA Basketball
                           Tournament through the substitution procedure, that district drops to the end of the substitution order.
                       6.  The substitution order is as follows: District N, SAA, CP, GLB, C, SAB, M-A, MB, P, GLC, EA, MA, EB, W, NC, GLA
        Section 4.   Tournament Scheduling and Rules
                   A.   Teams participating in the NJCAA Championship Basketball Tournament are limited to not more than 15 players. Each player must
                       be identified in the score book before the start of the first game. No deletions or additions may be made after this time. Corrections
                       in squad size will be made immediately when noted.
                   B.   The Tournament Host, acting with the NJCAA Representative, and the NJCAA Director of Championships. may change the
                       game schedule during and/or prior to the tournament if such action is thought necessary. If a change to the schedule occurs, the
                       Tournament Host will communicate to the qualifiers as soon as possible.
                   C.  No team shall be required to play more than one game per day in the tournament.
                   D.  The Spalding TF 1000 Legacy (Item #: 74-8199) basketball will be used by the NJCAA in postseason play.
                   E.   The building of cheerleader pyramids or balance formations are not allowed at the National Basketball Tournament.
                   F.   The 3-point sound system will be used for the Division II Men's Basketball Tournament.
                   G.  For each game of the tournament, the team with higher seed (lower number) in each game will be the HOME TEAM and wear light
                       colored jerseys/uniform. The lower seed (higher number) will be the VISITOR TEAM and wear dark colored jerseys/uniform.
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