Page 242 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 242


                                                                Case 1
                                       Enrollment Verification Prior to NJCAA National Championship

                  The basketball team at Community College A leaves campus on Monday afternoon for the National Championship.  Prior to  departing, the
               Athletic Director checks that each basketball athlete is enrolled in full-time status and meets all NJCAA  requirements for participation. Monday
               evening, one of the student-athletes is administratively withdrawn by one of his teachers  from their class which drops the student below full-
               time status.  Is the student-athlete eligible to participate in the National  Championship Tournament that begins on Sunday afternoon?
                  Student-athlete’s enrollment should be verified and documented 24 hours prior to National Championship competition.  If the  student-athlete
               is enrolled in full-time status 24 hours prior to the start of the National Championship Tournament, he/she will  remain eligible throughout the
               National Competition. The documentation would need to be signed and dated by the Athletic  Director and the Registrar for consideration.
               Failure to produce the required documentation would result in the student-athlete  being declared ineligible at the time they dropped below full-
               time status.

                                              ACADEMIC PROGRESS ELIGIBILITY (Section 2.D) –
                                               First Season Academic Requirement (Section 2.D.2)

               ONE (1) PREVIOUS FULL-TIME TERM (SECTION 2.D.2.B)

                                                                Case 1
                                                     Eligibility after One Full-Time Term
                    Student-Athlete R enrolls at Community College A and participates in wrestling during his first term in college. At the  conclusion of
               the first term Student-Athlete R has passed 10 credit hours with a 2.00 GPA. Is Student-Athlete R eligible to  participate in wrestling during
               the second term of the academic year?
                    No. Student-Athlete R would not be eligible to participate in wrestling because Section 2.D.2.b requires Student-Athlete R  to have
               accumulated 12 credit hours prior to the 18 th  calendar day of the second full-time term of college attendance. If Student-  Athlete R had taken a
               three (3) credit hour course during the preceding summer term, during the winter intersession or while in  high school those credit hours could
               be added to the 10 credit hours earned during the fall term to meet the accumulation  requirement of Section 2.D.2.b.

                                                                Case 2
               SITUATION:             Requirements after the First Full-Time Term of College – Winter Intersession

                    Student-Athlete R participates in basketball during his/her first full-time term in college. At the conclusion of the first term  Student-Athlete
               R passes 11 credit hours with a 2.50 GPA. Is Student-Athlete R eligible for competition during the second term,  if he/she passes a one (1)
               credit hour course during the winter intersession and prior to the beginning of the next term?
                    Yes. Section 2.D.2.b permits credit hours earned prior to the first full-time term and those credit hours earned before the  18 th  calendar
               day (not to end on a weekend or Federal Holiday) of the 2 nd  full-time term to be used.

                                                                Case 3
                                Adding Previous Part-Time Credits from a Summer Session to the First Term of Attendance
                    Student-Athlete R graduated from high school in May 2020 and enrolls in a three (3) credit hour course during the 2019  summer
               session at the local community college. Student-Athlete R enrolls at Community College A for the 2020 fall semester  as a full-time student
               and participates in basketball. Student-Athlete R passes nine (9) of 15 credit hours in the 2020 fall  semester. Can Student-Athlete R add the
               summer session course to the nine (9) hours passed in the fall semester to meet the  eligibility requirements of Section 2.D.2.b?
                    Yes. Section 2.D.2.b requires 12 credit hours with a 1.75 GPA prior to the 18 th  calendar day of the student-athlete’s  second full-time
               term. Section 2.D.2.b does not require the 12 credits to have been earned in the one previous term. Section
               2.D.2.b is an accumulation rule.  If the summer course was earned at a college other than Community College A, an official  transcript must be
               provided when the basketball eligibility form is submitted online for the second semester.
                                                                Case 4

               SITUATION:                    Using Rule 2.D.2.b with 2.D.3 for a Second Season Athlete

                The following credits were earned by Student-Athlete R:
                Fall 2019 semester – enrolls full-time in 15 and passes 11 with a 2.8 GPA; Participates in Football, 1 st  season.  Spring
                2020 semester – enrolls in and passes 10 credits (part-time).
                Summer 2020 – enrolls in and passes three (3) credits.
                The fall 2020 semester will be his second full-time semester as well as his second season in football.  Is Student-Athlete R  eligible for a
                second season of football?
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