Page 250 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 250

Case 2
                                         Section – Written Documentation of Certified Disability
               Community College A submits documentation to the NJCAA National Office relative to a certified disability for Student-Athlete R. The
               documentation is from the summer of 2013, during Student-Athlete R's high school enrollment. Will this  documentation suffice, or will an
               updated evaluation be required?
               The NJCAA requires a current diagnosis, which must have been made within the last three (3) years. Circumstances  of this case may allow
               the NJCAA to waive this requirement.

                                                                Case 3

               SITUATION:                      Institutional Policies on Disabled Student-Athletes
                       Community College A does not have a policy or a program in place for disabled students at their institution. Can  Community College
               A receive relief under the provisions of the NJCAA disabled student-athlete policy?
                       No. The NJCAA’s policy requires that the student-athlete in question be in the college program designed to support  and
               accommodate the student-athlete's disability.

                                                                Case 4

               SITUATION:                         Exempt Rules for Disabled Student-Athletes

                       Which NJCAA regulations can be adjusted or exempted under the disabled student-athlete policy?
                       The eligibility regulations set forth in Article V, Sections 2.D.2 and 2.D.3 may be granted adjustments to or exemptions  from. These
               sections refer to full-time enrollment and previous term eligibility requirements. Disabled student-athlete  adjustments and or exemptions must
               be approved by the NJCAA National Office prior to participation.

                                                                Case 5

               SITUATION:                         Student-Athlete Notification to the College

                       Does the student-athlete have an obligation to notify the college of his/her disability prior to the beginning of the  academic term or
                       Yes. Any student-athlete applying for relief under this section must notify the college of his/her disability prior to the  beginning of the
               academic term or year as per the American Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. If the student-athlete does not notify  the college and therefore does
               not enroll in the support program offered by the college, relief cannot be granted until the  following academic year.

                                                                Case 6

               SITUATION:                         Disabled Student-Athlete – Second Season

                       Student-Athlete R has a certified learning disability and has been approved through the NJCAA National Office to  participate while
               being enrolled in less than 12 credit hours.  Student-Athlete R participated in one season of intercollegiate  soccer.  What is the number of
               credits the student will need to have successfully accumulated to participate in a second season  of NJCAA soccer?
                       The second season requirement for Student-Athlete R under these circumstances would be as follows.  Assuming the  NJCAA
               National Office approved the student for participation while being enrolled in nine (9) credit hours during his/her first  season of participation,
               the number would double for the second-year requirement.  Student-Athlete R would be required to  have passed 18 credits with a 2.00 GPA
               prior to their second season of participation to be eligible. If the approval had been for  11 hours, then the second year requirement would be
               22 credits at a 2.00 GPA level.

                                                                Case 7
                                       Disabled Student-Athlete – Continued Participation in a Two Term Sport
                       Student-Athlete R has a certified learning disability and has been approved through the NJCAA National Office to  participate while
               being enrolled in less than 12 credit hours.  Student-Athlete R has been approved to participate while being  enrolled in nine (9) credits hours.
               Student-Athlete R is a basketball athlete. What is the requirement for this student to continue  to participate on the basketball team during the
               spring term?
                       The student is required to have accumulated nine (9) credits at a 1.75 GPA to meet the requirements of Article V,  Section 2.D.2.b
               (one previous full-time term) and maintain his/her eligibility.

               Eighteen (18) Months Non-Full-Time Attendance (Section 2.E.2)

                                                                Case 1
                                                 Method of Counting Eighteen Calendar Months

                       Before the completion of a term, Student-Athlete R withdraws from college. After a time lapse of approximately a year  and a half of
               non-college attendance, Student-Athlete R decides to enroll at an NJCAA member college. How does one  determine if Student-Athlete R
               satisfies the 18-calendar month rule of Section 2.E.2?
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