Page 276 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 276
Case 10
Second Season Application of the Hardship Rule
While enrolled at Community College A, Student-Athlete R participates in volleyball in the fall term. She becomes ill in the spring term
and withdraws completely from college prior to the completion of the term. The following fall will be the students second season of volleyball.
Will Student-Athlete R be granted a hardship waiving the second season requirements, so she can participate in her second season of
No. Student-Athlete R will not be eligible to participate in her second season of volleyball as she has not met the second season academic
accumulation requirements. It should be noted that the NJCAA does not exempt any student from meeting the accumulation requirements for
a second season of participation.
Case 11
SITUATION: Application of the Hardship Rule
Student-Athlete R initially enrolls in Community College A and participates in football. Student-Athlete R is injured during the second
game and as a result is incapacitated for the remainder of the college's intercollegiate football season. If approved, how many contests must
Student-Athlete R sit out during the next season?
If approved, the student will be granted their entire season back in the case of a hardship. Beginning in the 1996-1997 academic year, the
NJCAA no longer grants a partial season in the case of a hardship. If approved the entire season would be granted back to the student-
Case 12
SITUATION: Application of the Hardship Rule – Baseball Example
Student-Athlete R is a pitcher for Community College A’s baseball team and pitches in the first 8 games of a 56-game schedule. In the
40 th game, he pitches in 3 innings then has a season ending injury. Will a medical hardship be approved for Student-Athlete R?
No. Although Student-Athlete R has played under 30% of the season, he has played past the halfway point during the season. The
halfway point of the season was game 28. Participation in any fraction of any regularly scheduled contest shall constitute as one contest. In
this case, pitching in one inning constitutes as playing in one game.
Case 13
Hardship from a Four-Year Institution
Student-Athlete R attends a four-year institution as a first year student-athlete and is injured in the first soccer match of the season. What
process should be followed to regain that season of eligibility if the student-athlete transfers to a NJCAA member institution?
The four-year institution must first apply for hardship status with the association/athletic conference that governs athletics at their level. If
Student-Athlete R gains hardship approval from the NCAA or the NAIA, a copy of that approval must be forwarded to the NJCAA with a cover
letter from the member college Athletic Director for adoption. Approval from the four-year governing body must be granted prior to review by
the NJCAA. The NJCAA cannot rule on hardships of an academic or athletic nature that occurred at a non-member institution.
Case 14
Definition of a “Red-Shirt”
Student-Athlete R participates in two baseball games early in the season, and then does not participate for the remainder of the season.
There is no injury or illness situation present that causes Student-Athlete R to cease participation. May Student- Athlete R regain this season
of NJCAA baseball?
No. Once a student-athlete participates in one contest, the only avenue to regain a season of eligibility is through the injury/illness
provisions of Article V, Section 5.B. Within the NJCAA, the term red-shirt would only refer to a student-athlete that is not submitted on
eligibility and does not participate in any game or contest during the season. During this red-shirt season, the student-athlete may not
participate in open competition using college expenses, equipment, etc.
Case 15
Required in the Medical Documentation
When applying for a NJCAA Medical Hardship what is the minimum information that is required from the doctor?
At a minimum, the information from the Medical Doctor must include the following for hardship consideration.
1. Name of patient.
2. Date patient was seen by doctor.
3. Detailed diagnosis of the injury.
4. Plan of treatment for the injury.
5. Projected recovery time.