Page 310 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 310

                   Can a part-time/volunteer coach, who is not employed by the college during the off season, have off campus athletic  contact with current
                   No. No member of the college coaching staff, during that academic year, may have off campus athletic contact with any  current student-
               athlete or one who has signed a valid NJCAA Letter of Intent.  Full-time, part-time, and volunteer staff,  regardless of contractual status with the
               college, is considered part of the “coaching staff” and may not conduct practices or  conditioning off campus during the off season with these

                                                               Case 20
                                      Student-Athlete and Coach Employed at Same Facility – Practice Limitations
                   Can a student-athlete be employed during the summer by the same organization as his/her coach from the community  college?
               Example: golf student-athlete employed at the golf course where his/her coach is working, or a baseball student-  athlete employed at the
               stadium/parks and recreations/team where his coach is working.
                   Yes. A student-athlete may be employed by the same organization as his/her coach.  However, the contact between the  two individuals
               must be work related contact and not a coach-athlete related contact for the purposes of coaching, instructing,  or practicing.  The golf
               example: the golf student-athlete and his/her coach cannot play golf together because they work at the  same golf course.

                                                               Case 21
                                        End of Coaching Contract and Off Season/Off Campus Athletic Contact
                   The head baseball coach at Community College A is a part-time employee and his contract with the college expires at the  end of the
               baseball season.  Can the head coach have off season, off campus athletic activity with current student-athletes or  those who have signed an
               NJCAA Letter of Intent after the end of his contract with Community College A?
                   No.  From the time the contract is signed by a coach through the end of that academic year, a member of the college’s  coaching staff
               (including but not limited to part-time, full-time, head and/or assistant, volunteer, graduate assistant and student  coaches) must abide by the
               practice rules set forth in NJCAA bylaws.  In this case, the head baseball coach cannot have  athletic contact with a current student-athlete or
               one who has signed an NJCAA Letter of Intent off campus during the off  season regardless of his part-time employment status at the college.

                                                               Case 22
                         Practice Definition – Off Season/Off Campus Athletic Contact before Start of Coaching Contract  SITUATION:
                   A coach is hired at a two-year college in June.  His/her contract with the college does not begin until October 1 .  From  his/her date
               of hire until October 1 st  is the coach allowed to have off season, off campus athletic contact with the current  student-athletes or those that
               have signed a Letter of Intent for the upcoming year?

                   No.  For the purposes of NJCAA bylaws, he/she became a member of the college coaching staff on the day of hire or initial  agreement
               was struck.  No member of the college coaching staff may have off season, off campus athletic contact with any  current student-athlete, or one
               who has signed a valid NJCAA Letter of Intent.

                                                               Case 23
                                                      Off Campus – Coach Observing
                   During the summer (off season) Student-Athlete R is a member of a recreational baseball league in the community where  Community
               College A is located.  Student-Athlete R is a student-athlete who is returning the following season to play his  second season of baseball at
               Community College A.  May Student-Athlete R’s coach from Community College A watch him  participate off campus during the off season in
               this recreational league?
                   Yes.  Student-Athlete R’s coach from the college may watch him play during the off season off campus as long as the  coach does not
               coach him before, during, or after the game.  He may not practice with or conduct practices with the student-  athlete at any time off campus or
               participate with the student-athlete during those games conducted off campus during the off  season.

                                                               Case 24
                                              Off Campus – Coach Participating with Student-Athlete
                   Student-Athlete R and the volleyball coach from Community College A are both on the same volleyball club team during  the off season
               located off campus.  May this current student-athlete and Community College A’s volleyball coach participate  together on the same team as
               per this rule?
                   No.  According to this rule, the student-athlete and the coach may not participate together off campus during the off season  in the sport in
               which he/she is being recruited.  If this participation together off campus during the off season occurs, a violation  of this rule has been made.
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