Page 319 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 319
Case 3
SITUATION: Traveling While Serving Suspension Penalty
The day before Community College A is to depart for a two-day road trip, Student-Athlete R (a baseball player) is ejected from the second
game of a double-header for a non-violent ejection. May Student-Athlete R travel with the team on the first day of the scheduled two-day road
trip and participate in Game 2 of the next day’s double-header?
Yes. In the case of a multiple day, multiple game road trip, Student-Athlete R would be allowed to travel with the team but would not be
allowed to dress or be in the playing venue for Game 1 of the first day’s double-header. Community College A must arrange for the
supervision of Student-Athlete R during the game in which he is serving his suspension for the previous day’s ejection.
Case 4
Sportsmanship – Wrestling
Student-Athlete R is participating in the sport of wrestling and is ejected from a match due to a violent act. How long will Student-
Athlete R be unable to participate based on the ejection?
Based on the NCAA Rules of Wrestling, Student-Athlete R would be ejected for the remainder of the event/tournament. In addition,
based on Article XV of the NJCAA bylaws, Student-Athlete R would also be suspended for the next two scheduled events/tournament. If a
college is unable to identify the contests which must be sat out, the NJCAA National Office will view the sport schedule and issue a ruling.
Case 5
SITUATION: Sportsmanship – Individual Sports and the Ejection Policy
How does the NJCAA Ejection Policy affect individual sports such as cross country, golf, half marathon, track and field, swimming and
diving, and tennis?
If a student-athlete in the sport of cross country, golf, half marathon, track and field, swimming and diving or tennis is ejected for a
non-violent action he/she would sit out the remainder of that day’s competition and the next scheduled day of competition for that particular
NOTE: If the individual sport playing rules provide for stricter sanctions, the stricter sanctions would apply.
Case 6
SITUATION: Ejection Policy – Inclement Weather
Student-Athlete R is ejected from a baseball game on March 1 . On the original published scheduled for Community College A, the next
scheduled game is to be played on March 5 . However, due to inclement weather a makeup game was scheduled on March 2 nd to be
played on March 3 . When must Student-Athlete R sit out his one game suspension?
Student-Athlete R must sit out the next regular season game as listed on the official schedule at the time of the ejection: the March 5 th
game. Because the March 3 rd game was not on the official schedule at the time of the ejection, the student-athlete may not serve his
suspension during this game.
Case 7
SITUATION: Ejection Policy – Incomplete Game
Community College A is playing a softball game on March 15 . On the regular season schedule for Community College A, the next 2
games are scheduled for March 16 th and March 17 . During the 3 rd inning of the game played on the 15th, the head coach is ejected and
leaves the playing area. In the 4 th inning, the officials halt the game due to rain. A complete game is not recorded. What is the status of the
head coach for those games scheduled for March 16 th and March 17 ?
Because an official game was not recorded as per the rules of that sport, the head coach must sit out the next game on the schedule on
March 16 . If the rainout game that occurred on March 15 th is continued or replayed at another time, the head coach must serve his/her
suspension during that game.
Case 8
Ejections – Entering the Spectator Area
During a soccer game at Community College A, the ball is kicked out-of-bounds into the bleachers. Student-Athlete R, a participant in the
game for Community College A, runs into the bleachers to retrieve the ball. Is Student-Athlete R in violation of the Ejection Policy for entering
the spectator area (Article XV)?
No. However, if Student-Athlete R entered the spectator area or bleachers to engage in any type of verbal or physical conflict then the
student-athlete would be immediately ejected from the contest and suspended from all intercollegiate athletic contests at Community College A
for the remainder of the academic year including postseason competitions and/or playoffs. Note: This rule applies to any player, coach, or
bench personnel that leaves the playing area and enters the spectator area of the facility.