Page 6 - Revista Diciembre Nº 6
P. 6
6. CASCultural, la cena del 30/10/2016.
The CASC Cultural Association revving up for the
opening of its headquarters in Alhaurín el Grande.
More than 70 members participated in
the second meeting held on October
30 . CASC plans to develop a com-
plete cultural programme consisting of
language workshops, Yoga and Tai
Chi, art exhibitions, dance classes,
conferences, concerts and much more.
The intention of the day was to continue obtaining
funds so that the events for the rest of the year La Asociación Cultural
could go ahead and meet the expenses of the refur- CASC calienta motores
bishment of the 240m2 premises located in the
Calle Huerta de los Patos in Alhaurín el Grande. It para la apertura de su sede
is in these premises where the vast majority of Durante el mes de diciembre el Círculo de
CASC events will be held from December. A great Acción Social y Cultural CASC del Valle del
variety of cultural events will be offered which will Guadalhorce abre las puertas de su nueva sede
encourage the movement of social and cultural ubicada en Alhaurín el Grande. Con el fin de
associations in this important region of the Malaga aunar voluntades y conseguir nuevos socios, el
province. 30 de octubre se celebró en la Venta La Masía
The president of CASC, Gerard Boxstal said during el II Encuentro de socios organizado por la
the meeting: "Our intention is to create a meeting entidad, que reunió a más de 70 personas.
point for the promotion of cultural and social El CASC está preparando una completa oferta
movement in the Guadalhorce Valley”. cultural formada por talleres de idioma, clases
“We are a non-profit organization whose focus is de Yoga, Tai Chi, expresión corporal, bailes,
to increase the development and promotion of the crecimiento personal, pintura, cocina, exposi-
creative potential of this region. We are independ- ciones artísticas, charlas, conferencias, concier-
ent and are open to the contribution of ideas and tos y otras actividades que vienen a fomentar
projects by anyone interested in participating and el movimiento cultural y asociativo en esta
sharing their goals. We also want to offer new importante comarca de la provincia.
broadcasting platforms to artists, musicians, writers Según explicó el presidente del colectivo, Ge-
and local creators in general. For this in April 2016 rard Boxstal, “somos independientes y esta-
we launched our free cultural magazine that is dis- mos abiertos a la aportación de ideas y proyec-
tributed in the region and, from 2017, will be pub- tos por parte de cualquier persona. Queremos
lished monthly, increasing the circulation and pro- ofrecer además nuevas plataformas de difu-
motion of cultural activities in the towns of our sión a artistas, músicos, escritores y creadores
environment”, added Boxstal. locales en general”. Para poder participar, los
In order to participate, the interested parties must interesados deben hacerse socios del
become members of the CASC with a monthly CASC con una aportación mensual de 5 eu-
contribution of 5 euros. For more information you ros. Más información e inscripciones en
can contact at