Page 4 - PEAK COMM catalog_Neat
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                                                        TO PEAK COMMERCIAL

                                                                                                    Peak Commercial Welcomes

                                                                                                      Mitchell Zepeda

                                                                                                                To Our Team!

                                                                                                 Mitch  is  very  well  rounded  in  various  as-
                                                                                                 pects of the real estate industry with a vast
                                                                                                 amount  of  experience  in  the  commercial

                                                                                                 marketplace  and  has  strong  commercial
                                                                                                 real estate sales and leasing know-how. If
                                                                                                 you are thinking about investing Mitch has
                                                                                                 assisted  clients  in  all  of  the  phases  from

                                                                                                 working with architects, design, construc-
                                                                                                 tion and right to closing.

                                                                                                 Mitch will be there from the beginning to

                                                                                                 the  end  of  the  process  and  will  happily
                                                                                                 help you open the door to your new home.

                                                                                                   C: 818.555.1212 |O: 818.363.1717


                                                                                                             CalBRE #01628347


  - AW23
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