Page 18 - GBC winter 2016 Eng
P. 18

Miles Mortensen
Miles is the General Manager of The Links at Brunello in Nova Scotia. He has over 20 years of golf management experience at prestigious facilities across the country, including Banff Springs, Chateau Whistler, Tobiano Golf Course and Southwood Golf and Country Club. Contact Miles at or 902-876-7649.
It’s that time of year, when we reflect upon the season that was and anticipate what is ahead for the next. What if we, as industry leaders, took it upon ourselves to be more involved in shaping the future of our game versus letting it come to us? Then fast forward to what the next season or 2, 5, 10 and 20 seasons may look like at our current facilities.
Calling All
Hit pause on what you are doing and imagine for a moment you have just been named the “Wizard” (that’ll come up later) of all things “Golf” and you have to sustain and more importantly, grow the game for the next 20 years. A big job for one person, but imagine working en masse as leaders in this industry to bring about change.
Marketing Wizards
Golf Business Canada

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