Page 54 - GBC summer 2015
P. 54

Welcome to the
Pavillon des
It’s April 16th, and as I pen this article the sun is shining, it’s been above 0 degrees
Let Us Help You Succeed
for over a week (in Ottawa), today’s
temperature is supposed to reach 17
degrees and the golf course outside my office window is turning green.
Courses in the Ottawa area are opening this weekend, many courses in southern and central Ontario opened last week, several Manitoba and Saskatchewan courses had an earlier opening than the past several years and, although the Atlantic Canada courses are still in preparation mode, the mid- winter comments of a ‘July opening’ are long forgotten. British Columbia and Alberta beat everyone to the first tee with many areas in British Columbia experiencing the best winter season in years. Life is finding its balance again.
For you, this time of year brings excitement and hope as you begin to execute your plan of action for the coming season. If you attended our annual Conference in Montreal in November, I hope that you are planning on implementing some of the great ideas that came out of the Conference. I would love to hear from you this season to see how the new ideas are working out. Extend the Conference learning by using the audio recordings from the sessions to train your staff.
The common theme of my message these past few issues is that we, the NGCOA Canada, are here to help you succeed. Whether it’s getting more golfers to the first tee, providing you with unprecedented benchmark- ing information that helps you make informed decisions, or saving you thou- sands through the Golfmax Purchasing Program, the NGCOA Canada is your
most comprehensive business resource in the Canadian golf industry. However, it’s only beneficial if you take advantage of everything we have to offer. Although I’d like to highlight everything we do, my limit of 500 words for this page makes it impossible so I’m going to focus on just a few programs.
Did you know that....
• on average, member golf courses save over $3750 (and that’s being ultra conservative) through the Golfmax Purchasing Program? Compare that to your annual dues and your decision to renew becomes pretty easy.
• the newly launched platform was developed by a golf course owner who wanted to regain control over his pricing and widen his distribution channels? The special promotions platform allows you to market when you want, how you want, and at the price that you want.
• you can make over $100,000 in pre- season sales by attending consumer golf shows in the Spring? Make sure you budget for this next year.
• your best and cheapest consultants are your peers? Chapter Meetings and the annual Golf Business Canada Conference & Trade Show are your one-stop-shops for most of your pressing concerns.
I haven’t even scratched the surface of our programs, but my point is to make sure to explore what is available to you as a member of the NGCOA Canada. I realize it takes time to research all of these programs but trust me, the financial gain you can realize by taking full advantage of your membership is PRICELESS!
Wishing you all a busy and suc- cessful season! I look forward to see- ing many of you at our NGCOA Canada Invitationals across the country this summer.
Nathalie Lavallée Chief Operating Officer NGCOA Canada
Associate Publisher • Nathalie Lavallée
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