Page 18 - GBC Fall 2024 ENG
P. 18

Golf Business Canada
Louise Patry (Provincial Council Chair, Golf Canda), Jeff Calderwood (CEO NGCOA Canada) and Laurence Applebaum (CEO Golf Canada) each take turns addressing the media during National Golf Day.
you leave ample time for the intended key messaging. Also keep in mind that cooperative and colla- borative discussion usually reson- ates much better with politicians than confrontational language.
Impact Public Affairs president, Huw Williams, recommends the “3 P’s” as a guideline for political meetings. “Be Prepared, Polite and Persistent. So, do a little research on the politician in advance, be ready to explain why you are there, and have your facts straight. Keep the conversation friendly as much as possible. And plan to be persuasive when the moment is right, as well as following up as needed. A handwritten thank you note can be a nice touch afterwards.”
Similarly, any media inter- views should be approached the same way. Consistent messaging, prepare well, be polite and persuasive. And watch out for a journalist’s predetermined agenda or intentionally reaching for controversy.
I find my own media inter- views are the most effective when I jot down several key messages that I want to get across no matter what. Then, borrowing from a skill that most politicians have, I will turn to my prepared talking points no matter what questions the inter- viewer asks me. If done with a bit of finesse, it is an easy pivot that ensures I get my critical points across.
Thank you to all who sup- ported our 2024 National Golf Day. We look forward to building upon this year’s success, starting with extending our advocacy efforts through this Golf in Your Riding Campaign over the next couple of months. Your participation is appreciated.
Golf Business Canada
Plan to build relationships with as many of your Provincial and Federal Members of Parliament, and any Municipal Councilors who may impact your business. Do the same with any leading journalists who may carry strong media influence. Add social media campaigns to further amplify your messaging. Feel free to utilize some of the same social media bites that we used during National Golf Day.
On a related note, please parti- cipate in our recently announced “Golf in Your Riding Campaign”. That takes the National Golf Day messaging right into your own backyard. Book meetings with your Federal and Provincial politicians, either hosting them at your golf course or meeting in their riding office.
If hosting a meeting at your golf course, it is a great opportunity for a quick facility tour, introduce certain key staff, showcase the golf course, and directly demonstrate many of the key messages in real time. Do be aware though that politicians are typically subject to fairly restrictive gifting policies, so you may not be able to give those logoed golf balls or a round of golf. However, hitting a few on the range or putting green, perhaps with tips from your pro, is the kind of unique and relevant experiential activity that will resonate well.
If meeting at their riding office, expect a tightly scheduled meeting. A 30-minute window for such a meeting is common if it’s a busy politician. They often have other meetings right after.
Be courteous but confident when requesting the meeting. Business operators within their own riding do carry a lot of weight due to their investment, employ- ment, taxes paid, preservation of greenspace and perception as leaders in the community.
Be sure to state that you are a constituent of their riding when requesting the meeting. If requesting a meeting by email, for example, a subjectlinesuchas“Messagefrom a Business Constituent in Quebec City” will cut through the clutter of many other emails. And keep the content of the email message brief and to the point. Attention spans are very short in the busy world of politics.
Since political fundraising is a critical element of democracy, consider including an invitation to host an upcoming event for them at your club during your conversation. Most golf clubs are well positioned for that offer.
In terms of tone of the conversation, strive for a sensible balance between personal chat and the business at hand. Relationship building works best if personal connections are built but ensure

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