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Jim Thompson
After 31 years of being an NGCOA Canada Member, Board Member, and finally a dedicated Staff Member, Jim is now retiring from the association. Jim is looking forward to spending more time with his family, and enjoying his time golfing, fishing and travelling. Jim can be reached at:
   31Years of NGCOA Canada
association. Little did I know that Jeff and I would go on a very long and fun ride together through the NGCOA Canada that would see me being in the place I am now and Jeff continuing to lead the association to greater things.
One of the real benefits of being president of the Chapter Advisory Board was the seat on the National Board. My very first National Board meeting was in Whitehorse in July. This was followed by St. John’s the year after. It was there that the national president, Scott Atkinson, listened to me debate with other Board Members and I made what I thought was an excellent argument for my position on a subject. After my far too long input, Scott looked at me very intently and said, “Jim, I love your passion, but you’re wrong.” Truer words were never spoken.
Many NGCOA Canada members know me best from our Golf Business Canada Conference and Trade Show and my participation in the Idea Share session. This session was always my personal highlight of the Conference each year as it provided some memorable moments. From James Cronk and his horse in Banff, to Juggernaut Jim in Calgary, we always tried to provide our delegates with information to take back to their courses.
   With my recent decision to retire from my position as National Director, Member Services and Regional Director, Atlantic Chapter, I have been reflecting on my 31 years of involvement with the NGCOA Canada. I would like to share this journey with our readers and provide some insight into my life in the Canadian golf industry.
My parents purchased a small, Ottawa valley summer resort in 1968 and I was able to get into the golf business as a 9-year-old. For many years, I was involved in the growth of a family business, and I am proud to say my family members continue to operate this successful business after 56 years! In 1993, I was lucky enough to be invited to a meeting of a regional group of golf course operators in the area. I was introduced to the Ottawa Valley Golf Course Owners Association and very quickly came
to realize that this was an association with great potential, and one that would help our small family business. It did not hurt that one of the very first Golfmax programs was with a propane supplier that saved our business thousands of dollars every year.
My trip then led to becoming a Board member, then President of the Eastern Ontario/Outaouais Chapter Advisory Board. Those early Board meetings were an eye opener for a 30-something owner. Sitting in a Boardroom with some “veteran” operators was a crash course in the golf business. I am still reminded by a few of those Board members of when I told them my “fleet” of power carts was a total of 4!
I also distinctly recall when Jeff Calderwood attended his first meeting as a proposed Executive Director of the growing national
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