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Photo 1: Even back in 2005, Jim and his fantastic moustache were always right in the middle of things and having fun with NGCOA Canada members.
Photo 2: Wow! Jim in a sports jacket, dress shirt and snazzy tie ... all dressed up and looking great in 2008!
Photo 3: As Jim is welcomed on stage as the Niagara Falls Conference Chair, he wished that he had opted for the larger barrel!
Photo 4: A dedicated salesman, Jim eagerly promoted all the local golf courses while working in the Golfer’s Red Book booth at the Ottawa-Gatineau GOLFEXPO thru the years. Photo 5: By plane, train or automobile; Jim travelled to dozens of Spring Warm Up events for an opportunity to engage with NGCOA Canada members from coast to coast. Photo 6: A long time friend and colleague, Jimmy is definitely going to be missed by all of his NGCOA Canada team members.
Photo 7: Jim looks forward to the next chapter of his fulfilling life and spending more time with his incredible family ... (L to R) daughter-in-law Becky, son David, young grandson Ben and wonderful wife Karol.
      I think the moment most delegates still remember was the announcement of the Niagara Falls Conference. This came at the end of the Halifax conference and Jeff was announcing the host city and the Conference Chair. I was honoured to be selected as Chair, but little did I know what was actually involved. When I found out we were going to be on stage dressed in wooden barrels I was concerned. Then when I saw the size of the barrels, I was even more concerned. To say mine was a bit small, or I was too big, was an understatement.
When I was offered a staff role with the NGCOA Canada in 2009, I never imagined the future that involved incredible travel and events across Canada. Without a doubt, visiting golf facilities has always been my favourite part of this job. At times, these visits were unusual. Having a member meeting
ataMr.LubeinBurnaby,BCthat included a pitch by a horse manure fertilizer salesman stands out. When he realized that his single barrel of product would only cover a part of one golf hole, he was quick to get back to his drawing board.
I fondly recall a recent trip to the Atlantic Chapter and a visit that really sums up the experience I have hadforthepast15years.Idropped in to visit one of my Chapter Advisory Board members; Sherry Gray at her club, Midland Meadows in New Brunswick. Sherry and her husband Glen have worked hard to get their 9-hole facility where they want to be. After a visit to the beautiful old building they moved on site for a busy clubhouse, to a tour of the golf course with Glen to see their plan for the future. I felt their love of the game and of their property. A true Canadian golf success story.
In closing, a big THANK YOU. To all the member and non-member facilities I visited who were so welcoming. To all the owners/ operators who support the NGCOA Canada every year. To those industry suppliers who helped us grow the association and our benefits, and many became close friends. Of course, to my fellow NGCOA Canada staffers, past and present, who have shared laughs and jobs over the years and continue to lead the way in Canadian golf. Most importantly, to Jeff and Nathalie for the opportunity to spend these past 15 years in golf and never regret a day, thank you.
I will see you on the course! I will be the tall guy, looking for his ball a couple of fairways over. Come over and say Hi.
Golf Business Canada
Golf Business Canada 41

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