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12                                                                                            NORTHWEST HARVEST COMMUNITY REPORT           13

            to provide valuable technical assistance and support. They    unique needs, and organize on important, grassroots efforts
            also attend coalition meetings each month across the state    and legislative decisions which impact their daily lives.
            to share and disseminate information on best practices.       The Hunger Response Network looks to build upon
            Northwest Harvest continues be an active and engaged          each of these programs and activities—becoming
            presence on the advisory board for the Washington Food        an even more forceful proponent and advocate of
            Coalition—which is a voice for food banks across the nation.  people we serve across the state every day.
            Finally, we have been incredibly busy in both Olympia and DC,
            advocating for the safety net that our neighbors and food bank
            customers rely on. We formed a participant advisory council
            which brings together food bank customers to our Cherry
            Street Food Bank monthly to share their stories, discuss their
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