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4                                                                                             NORTHWEST HARVEST COMMUNITY REPORT            5

            This mission calls for boldness, and Northwest Harvest has    substantive change for Washington over the next decade.
            decided to set a bold goal to cut hunger in half by 2028.     To quote Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until

            Moving forward into 2018 and beyond, we will continue         it’s done.” And Northwest Harvest knows this can be done.
            distributing nutritious foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables,   If we begin removing structural barriers that keep people who
            whole grains, and proteins such as salmon, tuna, and chicken   struggle with hunger from accessing consistent, nutritious
            all across Washington through our dedicated network of        food; if we mobilize a broad set of actors to tackle basic
            partner food programs. Additionally, Northwest Harvest will   core issues that cause food insecurity in our communities;
            operate as a platform for addressing issues such as poverty   if we bring together our lawmakers to improve policies
            and inequity as they relate to hunger in Washington. We       that provide a more equitable foundation for basic needs;
            will also be building strong coalitions and seek new strategic   then hunger in Washington can indeed be cut in half.
            partnerships and allies in the public, private, and nonprofit
            sectors to best identify root causes of local food insecurity.
            Throughout our agency, we are truly energized by this endeavor,
            and look forward to working with each of you to realize
                                                                                         THOMAS REYNOLDS,
                                                                                     CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

                                     “It always seems impossible, until it is done.”
                                                                                            —Nelson Mandela
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