Page 21 - NWH AR17_FINAL
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Our vision is to end hunger in the state of Washington. But, until that
day comes, we will focus our efforts on effectively and efficiently
increasing our capacity to get nutritious food and services where they
are needed. We will be a passionate and effective voice for both our
clients and our partners. We will develop, pilot, and scale innovative
ways to support our partners around the state to make an even greater
impact on the areas they serve. We will work on extending Northwest
Harvest’s reach to be a collaborative partner in the health and wellbeing
of our communities and its members. We will engage, collaborate and
advocate with other social justice agencies across the state to address
the systemic causes of hunger through poverty. We will look to bring
equity and justice to a food system that has failed far too many of our
neighbors. And we look for your support with each new step we take.
We will become the definitive
statewide platform that
aims to cut hunger in half in
the next decade by bringing
food justice to Washington.