Page 7 - RSP E-Brochure (Spring 2018)
P. 7


      Frigates Restaurant and Grill (Rock Sound)
      242) 470-1777
 to Eat  Sammy’s (Rock Sound)

      (242) 334-2121

      Tippys (Governor’s Harbour)
      (242) 332-3331
                                                                 stores, hardware store, gas station and automotive parts
 There are   1648 Bar & Grille (Governor’s Harbour)              store.
 many casual   (242) 332-3777                                    THE MARKET SUPERMARKET AND PROVISIONING
 dining options  SERVICE:
 throughout the                                                  This store is the anchor business for The Marketplace
                                                                 Shopping Plaza.  It is one of the largest food stores
 island. Most   LeoRose Sunset Beach Bar and Grill               on the island and offers a wide variety of organic
      (Governor’s Harbour)
 serve both   (242) 335-6223                                     gourmet and international foods. It also has lots of
 Bahamian and                                                    fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh cut meats and a wide
                                                                 variety of grocery products. If you’d like to order your
 American food.   PROVISIONING YOUR                              grocery prior to arrival, or if you’re visiting on a boat
 Feel free to   VACATION HOME                                    and you’d like to have your provisions delivered to you,
                                                                 The Market Supermarket also offers a delivery service.
 also ask about
 vegetarian   Eleuthera has a large vacation home rental market. Most   To learn more, contact The Market Supermarket
 options.  persons visiting the island will need to purchase food   at  #1 (242) 334-2356 or email themarket@rsp1976.
      and other provisions during their visit. The Marketplace
      Shopping Plaza is the best location to get everything      To order groceries online, visit: https://eleu-       3
      you need. Located in Rock Sound, Eleuthera, The Mar-
      ketplace Shopping Plaza has a modern foodstore, liquor
                                                                 Other stores at The Marketplace Shopping Plaza
                                                                 Rock Sound Hardware and Building Supply company:
                                                                 Sturrup’s Liquor Store: 242-334-2219
                                                                 Automotive & Industrial Distributors Ltd (NAPA dis-
                                                                 tributor): 242-334-2060
                                                                 700 Wines & Spirits: 242-334-2250
                                                                 Frigates Restaurant and Grill: 242-470-1777

                                                                 To source other fresh food items, check out some of
                                                                 the other local vendors:

                                                                 Arthur’s Bakery (Governor’s Harbour): 242-333-2285

                                                                 FRESH PRODUCE
                                                                 The Island Farm (Palmetto Point) (242)332-3671;
                                                                 Offering fresh produce and herbs, homemade breads,
                                                                 jams, and sauces.

                                                                 ELEUTHERA ISLAND ORGANICS
                                                                 Offering fresh produce and vegetables

                                                                 FRESH SEAFOOD
                                                                 Andrew Hunt 242-559-3256
                                                                 Available at the dock in Tarpum Bay.
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