P. 13

  A barricade or perimeter fence can prevent unauthorized persons from gaining
  access to work site, where they can be exposed to building or maintenance hazards.
  Barricades are best erected before any work begins on dismantling, building or
  other site preparation. Barricades must not be removed or partly dismantled until
  the area is safe to enter, traverse or occupy.
  When deciding temporary fencing or barricading, the following characteristics
  should be considered:
  A suitable height to deter entry or access·
  Be constructed from dedicated materials·
  Be suitably coloured to contrast with surroundings and be visible at night·Be
  difficult to gain access underneath·
  Gates and joints in the fences to be secured and not become a weak point for entry
  Barricade can protect people from the danger of building or maintenance
  hazards such as:
  Electric shock from live cables
  Exposed steel reinforcing bars
  Trenches, pits, excavations
  Contact with chemicals or substances
  Being hit by falling objects
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