Page 72 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 72

Swami Abhedananda with Balavihar children and members of the Swaranjali and Devi
        Group in Singapore.

        discussed methods to make Bala-  Balavihar children and members of
        vihar more interesting for the new  the Swaranjali and Devi Group.
        generation of Indian-Americans.     Two priests performed daily
                                         havans  and rituals at the Srinivasa
                                         Perumal Temple at the venue. On
          Chinmaya Seva Centre Singa-    the inaugural day, a grand proces-
        pore organized a  Bhagavata Saptah  sion was led by Swami Abheda-
        by  Swami Abhedananda  from      nanda, accompanied by Chairman
        Aug. 12 to 18 at the PGP Audito-  of Hindu Endowments Board Sri
        rium in Singapore. There were    Jayachandran and followed by all
        festive celebrations of important  the  mukhya yajamans  who carried
        events like Rama Janmotsav and   the Bhagavatam on their heads. The
        Krishna Janmotsav, which coin-   traditional lamp-lighting and
        cided beautifully with Janmashtami  formal inauguration was performed
        on Aug. 15. The audience was     by Sri Jayachandran and Trustees
        treated to dance performances by  Sri Chandru Bharwani and Sri

                                   Animalism thrives on your
                                   ignorance. Detect it, and the
                                   next moment it is routed.
                                            Swami Chinmayananda

        Tapovan Prasad                72                   November  2017
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