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REFERENCES 135 As a result : Qdavg 1⁄4 1919 kg=day 1⁄2ð40%=5%Þ ð1=1:42Þ=24 1⁄4 583 L=h ð2:6 gpmÞ
The maximum dilution flow will be calculated for the maximum concentration of chemi- cals that will have to be delivered at a design flow.
Qdmax 1⁄4 6395 kg=day 1⁄2ð40%=5%Þ ð1=1:42Þ=24 1⁄4 1945 L=h ð513 gph=8:5 gpmÞ Chemical Metering Pumps
The chemical metering pumps have to designed for the maximum capacity of chemicals they have to deliver:
Qcmax 1⁄4 Qmaxdc=ðDd 24 hÞ
1⁄4 6395 kg=day=ð1:42 24Þ 1⁄4 188 L=h ð50 gphÞ
(6.5) Typically, for plants of this size and chemical fluctuation, at least 2 þ 1 pumps will be pro-
vided for chemical feeddi.e., the individual pumps will have a capacity of 94 L/h (25 gph). References
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El-Manhaeawy, S., Hafez, A., 2001. Molar ratios as a useful tool for prediction of scaling potential inside RO systems. Desalination 136, 243e254. Elsevier.
Erikson, P., Dimotsis, G., 2012. Field experience: can chlorine dioxide be used as a biocide in RO plants? IDA Journal, International Desalination Association 4 (1), 14e20 (IDA), First Quarter.
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Voutchkov, N., April 2014. Desalination Engineering e Operation and Maintenance. McGraw Hill.
Wilf, M., Awerbuch, L., Bartels, C., Mickley, M., Pearce, G., Voutchkov, N., 2007. The Guidebook to Membrane Desalination Technology: Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration and Hybrid Systems Process Design, Applications
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