Page 20 - Tamil Akaapore Issue295
P. 20

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                                    PROPERTY DOCTOR

                                                                   `m¡f¥ngh®’ c§fis

                                                              jÄHf¤âš cŸs mid¤J
                                                                   th®LfËY«, v«všV
                   PROPERTY DOCTOR                                bjhFâfËY« bfsut

                        Before Buying any                         ÃUg®fshf gÂah‰w
                   Property, get `No disease’                 taJ, mDgt«, fšÉ¤jFâ
                  and healthy certificate from               v‹w vªj¤ jilí« ïšiy.

                    our Property Doctor who                  thU§fŸ! ÃUguhf c§fis
                     executes turnkey basis
                 checking up and verification                      cyf¤â‰F m¿Kf¥
                        of Property history,                            gL¤J»nwh«!
                  Revenue Records, Owner-                      vªj muR mYtyf¤âY«
                              ship Truth,
                      Economic  Prospects,                      ahU« c§fËl« yŠr«

                           Legal Opinion,                            nf£f kh£lh®fŸ.
                       Documentation etc.,                                  Contact :

                                 Contact :                               Akkapore
                   3 p.m. (99400 10049) 6 p.m.                      (98404 10285)

                         Posted on 15.05.2018
                         at EGMORE RMS-1
                         Patrika Channel
                         Registered News Magazine
                         If undelivered please return to :
                         POST BOX NO. 2903

                   20    Mylapore, Chennai 600 004.
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