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Credit Agreements Act Requires Both Signatures On Key Document

          Leaving to another day whether a collection of documents, some of which are not signed by both of the
       parties, can ever be aggregated to constitute an acceptable writing under § 2 of the Credit Agreements Act
                                (815 ILCS 160/2), the Appellate Court for the Second District has held that that act
                                is  not  satisfied  where  “the  relevant  terms  and  conditions”  of  the  loan  are  not
                                discernible from documents  that bear the signatures of both the debtor and the
                                   Distinguishing the statute of frauds, which requires the signature only of the party
                                to the charged, the court noted that § 2 requires that both parties to the credit
       agreement sign the document and that it set forth those “relevant terms and conditions.”  Avanti Med. Group,
       LLC v. BMO Harris Bank, N.A., 2014 IL App (2d) 140401.

          In Avanti, the plaintiff had signed some routine documents allegedly associated with the alleged credit
       agreement,  but  had  left  unsigned  the  critical  “Summary  of  Terms  and  Conditions”  document.    Since  that
       document contained the “relevant terms and conditions” required by § 2, its non-signature by plaintiff made it
       unenforceable under the act, the court said.

           Servicer Must Credit Online Payment Authorization Immediately

          A  mortgage servicer which collects the  mortgagor’s payment electronically from a third-party bank
       account by receiving payment-specific authorizations to initiate Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers
       must credit those transfers to the mortgagor’s mortgage account on the date the authorization is received,
       the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has held.
          In Fridman v. NYCB Mortgage Co., 780 F.3d 773 (7th Cir. 2015), the servicer permitted mortgagors to
                                 make  payments  through  its  website  by  authorizing  ACH  withdrawals  thereon.
                                 However, the servicer did not credit the  mortgagor’s account until  funds  were
                                 received some two business days later, sometimes resulting in the assessment of
                                 late fees.
                                     The majority of the Seventh Circuit panel ruled that this practice violated the
                                 federal Truth In Lending Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq., and Regulation Z issued
                                 thereunder.  It analogized online payment authorizations to paper checks, which
                                 “must be credited  when received by the mortgage servicer,
                                 not when the servicer acquires the funds.”
          It distinguished where the mortgagor pre-authorized the third party bank to make
       the payment, because in that situation the mortgagor was in control of the timing of the
       transfer.  In contrast, with the authorizations made on the servicer’s website, “it is the
       servicer that decides how quickly to collect that payment through the banking system . .
       . . The servicer is in control of the timing, and without the directive to credit the payment
       instrument  when it reaches  the servicer, the  servicer could  decide to  collect payment through a  slower
       method in order to rack up late fees.”
       Brenda\Sharp Thinking\#130.pdf

                                                           SHARP-HUNDLEY, P.C.

                               1115 Harrison, P.O. Box 906, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 • Telephone 618-242-0200 • Facsimile 618-242-1170

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                                 John T. Hundley:; Rebecca L. Reinhardt:;
                                      Darren Taylor:; Terry Sharp:

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