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Rebecca Reinhardt Welcomed; Practice Expanded

        The Sharp Law Firm, P.C. is pleased to announce that Rebecca L. Reinhardt, member of the bars of the states of Illinois
                                     and Pennsylvania, of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, and of
                                     the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, has joined the firm.
                                     Simultaneously, the Firm is pleased to announce that it has expanded its client service
                                     offerings to include matters in family law.
                                     A  Pinckneyville  native,  Rebecca  received  her  B.A.  from  Southern  Illinois  University  in
                                     1998  and  her  J.D.  from  the  University  of  Pittsburgh  in  2001.    She  clerked  for  Judge
                                     Gerald R. Solomon of the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas from 2001-03 and has
                                     practiced in Pennsylvania since 2003, with a concentration in family law.
                                     She  is  a  frequent  lecturer  at  continuing  legal  education  seminars  and  is  the  author  of
                                     Drafting  Prenuptial  Agreements  to  Avoid  Future  Challenges  and  Whose  Client  Is  It
                                     Anyway?, both published by the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
                                     She will concentrate her practice in family law, probate, estate planning and elder law.
                                     She may be reached at our Mt. Vernon office, 618-242-0246,

        order that they could use special process servers without case-specific motion and order as seemingly
        contemplated by 735 ILCS 5/2-202(a-5).  The appellate panel upheld that GAO and said it did not conflict
        with § 2-202.  See also U.S. Bank, N.A. v. Dzis, 2011 IL App (1st) 102812; Sewickley, LLC v. Chicago
        Title Land Trust Co., 2012 IL App (1st) 112977.

             Mortgagee Sanctioned for Increasing Payments in Chapter 13

            A creditor or mortgage servicer that increases payments due from a Chapter 13 debtor without giving
        required notice to the trustee, the debtor, and the debtor’s attorney may be assessed actual damages,
        punitive damages and attorney fees, a bankruptcy court in Iowa has ruled.

            In addition, the court ruled that the servicer at issue would lose its right to increase payment amounts
        without specific court approval.  In re Wright, 461 B.R. 757 (Bankr. N.D. Iowa 2011).

             “Public Policy” Favors New Ownership of Foreclosure Property

            There  is  a  public  policy  interest  in  getting  new  ownership  for  property  in  foreclosure,  so  as  to
        prevent deterioration of the asset, a panel of the Illinois Appellate Court has ruled in rejecting dilatory
        mortgagees’ attempts to reopen a confirmed foreclosure sale.

            Sewickley,  LLC  v.  Chicago  Title  Land  Trust  Co.,  2012  IL  App  (1st)  112977,  holds  that  a  court
        hearing such belated challenges “is well within its authority to not disrupt a judicial sale . . . because
        of a party’s negligence in not making its arguments sooner.”  Moreover, the court said that failure to
        oppose a proposed order to confirm a sale “constitutes a waiver of the objections” which 735 ILCS
        5/15-1508(b) sets forth as permissible in sale confirmation proceedings.

                                                                     --John T. Hundley, 618-242-0246,


                                           THE  SHARP  LAW  FIRM,  P.C.

                    1115 Harrison, P.O. Box 906, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 • Telephone 618-242-0246 • Facsimile 618-242-1170

           Business Transactions • Litigation • Financial Law • Problem Finances • Real Estate • Corporate • Commercial Disputes • Creditors’ Rights •
                                  Arbitration • Employment Matters • Estate Planning • Probate • Family Matters

          Terry Sharp:; John T. Hundley:; Rebecca L. Reinhardt,;
                                             Bentley J. Bender:

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