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Sharp   Thinking

        No. 75                    Perspectives on Developments in the Law from The Sharp Law Firm, P.C.                    October 2012

        New Corporation Sometimes May Be

        Held Liable for Old Corporation’s Debts

        Directors Owe Fiduciary Duty to Creditors When Corporation Becomes Insolvent

        By John T. Hundley,, 618-242-0246

             A court may hold that a new corporation is liable for the debts of a predecessor corporation where the
        common shareholders are sufficient to exercise control of the new corporation, an Appellate Court panel
        in Chicago has ruled, rejecting an argument that the ownership of the two corporations had to be identical.

             The panel in Workforce Solutions v. Urban Serv. of Am., Inc., 2012 IL App (1st) 111410, also found
        that directors of the predecessor might be personally liable for its debts because of alleged breaches of a
        fiduciary duty to manage the corporation in the interests of creditors once it had become solvent.  It also
        refused to find an independent cause of action for alleged discovery violations.

             “Mere Continuation” Doctrine at Issue:  At issue in Workforce was the
        “mere continuation” doctrine which functions as an exception to the general rule that
        a corporation which merely purchases the assets of another (as opposed to merging
        with  it,  or  acquiring  its  stock)  does  not  become  responsible  for  the  predecessor’s
        debts. 1  That  exception  applies  “when  the  purchasing  corporation  is  merely  a
        continuation or reincarnation of the selling corporation,” the panel said, citing Pielet v.
        Pielet,  407  Ill.  App.  3d  474  (2010).    “The  purchasing  corporation  is  the  mere
        continuation of the selling corporation when ‘the purchasing corporation maintains the
        same or similar management and ownership but merely wears different clothes.’”

                                 The panel acknowledged that “identity of ownership” usually is a key element in
                            establishing this exception.   However, citing Dearborn Maple Venture, LLC v. SCI Ill.
                            Serv.,  Inc.,  2012  IL  App  (1st)  103513,  it  said  that  “the  continuity  of  shareholders
                            necessary  to  a  finding  of  mere  continuation  does  not  require  complete  identity
                            between  the  shareholders  of  the  former  and  successor  corporations.”    Rather,  the
                            panel said, differences in shareholders are “consistent with mere continuation as long
        as the former owners retain a controlling interest in the successor entity.”

             Because  the  trial  court  had  sought  “complete  unity”  between  the  ownership  of  the  old  and  new
        corporations,  the  panel  reversed  the  decision  in  favor  of  the  defendants  and  sent  the  case  back  for
        analysis under the more liberal standard.

          Other exceptions include (1) where there is an express or implied agreement to assume the liabilities, (2) where the
        transaction amounts to a consolidation or merger, and (3) where the transaction is for the fraudulent purpose of escaping
        liability for the seller’s obligations.  For further information on the non-liability rule and exceptions thereto, see Hundley,
        Business Expansion Through Asset Acquisition: Some Problems Posed By Product Liability Doctrines, 77 ILL. B.J. 492

        Sharp  Thinking  is  an  occasional  newsletter  of  The  Sharp  Law  Firm,  P.C.  addressing  developments  in  the  law  which  may  be  of  interest.    Nothing  contained  in  Sharp
        Thinking  shall  be  construed  to  create  an  attorney-client  relation  where  none  previously  has  existed,  nor  with  respect  to  any  particular  matter.   The  perspectives  herein
        constitute educational material on general legal topics and are not legal advice applicable to any particular situation.  To establish an attorney-client relation or to obtain legal
        advice on your particular situation, contact a Sharp lawyer at the phone number or one of the addresses provided on page 2 of this newsletter.
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