Page 21 - My FlipBook
P. 21
appearance of rap-battles. Everything tends to all the time can be counted on the fingers.
evolve, and the same battles now provide a
"The level of an adequate audience
"The level of an adequate audience
huge variety: serious battles with with deep se-
mantic text, freestyle, thrash battles as like falls"
“Movec - Abbalbisk”, new formats – triple kill, Argument: Now almost everyone is “in the
complimentary, reality, etc. And you still claim subject line”, but in fact they have no opinion or
that the battle rap is dead? critical thinking in the context of rap culture.
After all, newly minted adepts are too much in-
"There are a lot peripheral rap
"There are a lot peripheral rap
platform" fluenced by the "leaders of rap opinions."
Counterargument: Just "opinion leaders", such
Argument: The last year opened many projects as Gnoynyy, impose the thought of the death of
that quickly closed. Those that survive, bring the genre. The audience of the battle culture
nothing to the culture, only dispersing attention has always been a pretentious one, because in
to more or less significant events in it. spite of the age restrictions, most of the viewers
Counterargument: On such a platform, you can of such confrontations are teenagers. I agree
find a lot of smart guys who later go to the that most of them tend to blindly trust their idol
more famous projects. And the genre does not and not try to comprehend the genre on their
die from their existence: in the end, no one own, but when they grow up, many of them de-
forces them to look - you can restrict yourself to velop their position and opinion.
the same “SLOVO” and “RBL”. It is difficult to predict what awaits the culture
of battles in the future, because it has never
"The real conflict disappeared in the
"The real conflict disappeared in the
battles" been popular. What will happen to her when
the hype disappears? It is likely that only geeks
Argument: The loud scandal has always at- will remain in it, for whom battles have become
tracted more interest in the battle. Recall only an integral part of life.
of the best battles based on real conflict. The
first thing that comes to mind is “Hyde –
Cheynie”. To this day many people called this
battle – the best, which happened in the seg-
ment of battles in Russian. A great example,
too, can serve as "Zabe – Parovoz", a cult battle
that went far beyond the confrontation of cre-
Counterargument: There are battles with real
conflict, but they are significantly inferior in
hype to many of the above formats. It is also
important to understand that there have never
been too much of them – the number of high-
profile principled battles with mutual conflict of