Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7

to it), the crowded clothes, long expectation of the
        beginning and the hall filled with fans to exit
        In the hall it was cheerful, noisy, it is close and
        drunk (with youth of admirers and alcohol in
        their blood). On the first songs it became even
        closer and hotter. Fans in the middle of the hall
        was slammed. For the same reason other fans
        began to leave the first rows. The scene was un-
        steady. The columns attached to a scene shook.
        Already on the second song, French "Bien sûr",
        the soloist danced, holding the microphone in a
        mouth. On the third song he took off a jacket in
        which he left. To warm the hall and to be warmed
        long it was not necessary. Ivan practically did not
        stand still, dances and interaction with public be-
        came more active. Vitaly came forward too and
        played, lifting the tool over the head. The bright
        screen and beams of searchlights did a picture of
        a concert mystical and infernal at the same time.
        On the 5th song “HBO” the hall completely
        jumped and came off, in the last rows a “second
        floor” of fans appeared. After the next song there
        was a break due to the fall of the equipment. They
        have a broken laptop, which is why Ivan had to
        finish the first song acapella. Laughter rolled on
        the audience and the performers themselves, be-
        cause the soloist stopped singing, starting to com-
        municate with the audience. He invited the public
        to sing a song from the new EP: call the fire be-
        hind them, compare it with the red poppy, and
        “Burn the flying wedge of birds, burn the eye
        With all the fun and adoration, it was noticeable
        that there were problems with the sound, equip-
        ment, behavior of fans.  The group for 10 songs       band performed songs from their well-known list
        looked tense and focused.                             “Songs that we do not sing”. They sounded
        Then came the hits "Scaffold", "1905", "Riga" and     "Evening hairstyles", "Red Day" and "Diary of the
        "Russian Princess".  It seems the tension is gone,    Unloved".  The latter was completely unexpected
        Electrophoresis is completely immersed in the         – "After the film."  Her guys sang according to the
        songs.  Performing the "Scaffold" and "Russian        “old russian tradition” – after the joke that before
        Princess", Ivan varied the timbre of his voice,       this was the last song.
        showing his artistic possibilities.  Sometimes it in-  Evaluating the concert as a whole, the organiza-
        terrupted the quality of singing.  But this in-       tion and the sound were not up to par.  But the
        creased the interest of the public in these           energy of the group and the love of the fans over-
        performances.  During the songs, Ivan played on       shadowed these shortcomings.  It is this distinc-
        the plates, continuing his dances.  Before "Riga",    tive feature of the interaction of E'lektroforez
        he joked: “Do you like house music?  Now drum-        with fans. They actively run social networks and
        n-bass will sound.  It's almost the same”. During     communicate with fans a lot. Both on the Internet
        music losses, the band asked the fans to clap them    and at a concert, it seems that not only the guys
        to the beat and sing songs along with them, like at   on the stage, but all of us are heroes of this “new
        a real concert.  E'lektroforez recorded a video of    musical wave”.  We compose a new postmodern
        this touching action.  Notable was the fact that the  story together.
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