Page 8 - Downtown Sacramento EBook draft 10.23.24
P. 8

Dr. Lilieth Nelson, Immediate Past President, BPW St.
               Andrew, Jamaica, West Indies

               First, I want to thank you Madam President, Katherine Winans, and
               Members of BPW Downtown Sacramento, valued Twin Club of BPW
               St. Andrew, Jamaica.  I am honoured to have been invited as one of

               your special “Dignitaries”.  If previous commitments did not intervene, I
               would surely have travelled to Sacramento to share in the celebration
               of your Club’s 105 years.

               Kudos to you and all who served since 1919, so that your Club could

               sustain its impact for 105 years.  We, who feel like your “little sister
               Club” of only 50 years old, salute you and congratulate you on
               attaining this milestone with such a colourful tapestry of achievements

               over the years.

               We are proud of you and assure you that we look forward to
               collaborating with you on Joint Blogs, aimed at sharing ideas and
               perspectives on issues of mutual concern; Joint Meetings where we
               get to know each other as we exchange views and formulate plans for
               actions which will have positive impacts on the lives of women and

               men in our societies; and dare I hope?!!.. A Face-to-Face meeting of
               our members as soon as possible.

               Congratulations and enjoy your celebration.  My consciousness is
               right there with you at the Old Spaghetti Factory, so have a sip with

               Lilieth H. Nelson, PhD
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